Hm only sad because his brother commits but you don't really get any like actual pages with him it's more flashbacks so it's not too sad which is meant to say but other then that it's a happy ending I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly if it wasn't I'd be here ranting on how I hate the ending and it made me wanna die but it was the opposite and I'm a sucker for happy endings. I'm a pretty sensitive person and I didn't cry at all so maybe you'll be fine but idk. It's a happy ending tho

THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS! *This might get a bit long since I feel like there is a lot of things that need to be explained!
I totally get you my dude. The first thing I’m going to say though is that this manga is less angsty then Blood Blank (my god the feels were freaking real there T-T). But of course this manga also has some feels too! Suicide is a mayor topic that is covered throughout manga, and overcoming loss. The red-haired in the cover (Taeyi) brother committed suicide by jumping off a roof and Juha (a character you will meet later on) father also commited suicide. For me though personally what got to me the most and almost got me to freakin cry, is when Seheon’s dad (Seheon is the blood haired dude In the cover) learns that he was the reason that Taeyi’s brother committed suicide. Little back story now*: Taeyi’s brother, you learn, attended a music university because of Seheon’s dad who is a piano teacher. Sparks fly between them and they get into a relationship. Seheon’s ad ends up leaving Seheon’s mom because he really loves Taeyi’s brother, and it’s just really cute. You know they have couple rings and all that ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ So adorable! However, of course, these two knew that their relationship was forbidden, so the were on and of, but they always got back together because they loved and needed each other so much. Unfortunately, one day, Seheon’s dad really breaks up with Taeyi’s brother because he feels this relationship was good for Taeyi’s brother, and that he was holding him down. On that day, when it was raining in the evening, Taeyi’s brother climbed up to the roof and jumped. * Back story ends. Seheon’s father, of course in the beginning doesn’t know that it was his fault, but once Seheon and Taeyi get together and Seheon accidentally discovers about his father’s affair with Taeyi’s brother, the past rises and one day, while Seheon’s dad is in his office, he takes out his two cherished pictures that he took with Taeyi’s brother, and does something he’s never done before, he turns them over. On the back of each of them, he sees Taeyi’s brother single-sentence messages filled with his love for Seheon’s dad, and he finally understands how much Taeyi’s brother must have loved him and how much it broke him when Seheon’s dad broke off their relationship. And of course, he realizes, that he was the reason that Taeyi’s brother commited suicide. At this moment, when Seheon’s dad started helplessly crying after he realized how much pain and suffering he brought to the person he loved, really got to me........T-T. I mean, the feeling when you realize you were the reason the person you loved commited suicide, It must be....completely horrible and just...and the unimaginable pain you will feel.......
But overall, I completely recommend it because not only does it deal with pain and suffering and regret, it deals with the beautiful topic of how someone can help you get better and help you overcome you past. It of course, also deals with acceptance and forgiveness. Every character grows in this story, and you feel like you grow along with them. So all in, I completely recommend this. Also! There is TONS of cutness! So it all evens out In the end!
P.S I mean, the ending is also emotional, but is a beautiful kind of emotional! I promise!
Oh my god this got really long -_-...! Sorry! I hoped this helped! Please let me now if you want to know anything else (⌒▽⌒)

If this is less angsty than Blood Bank, I guess I'll be fine is what I wanted to say. And I know I've been warned but I wish I didn't read the spoilers ugh. Now I'm afraid I'll drown a bit on my tears. My fragile heart will sure to bleed despite the assurance of a happy ending. But thank you for this (=・ω・=)

I'm done, finally and regrettably, after a couple of water breaks although I'm already drowning in my tears. And all I could say is, it's so good that I'm bleeding happily. And I'll miss my precious JuYoon ship. So adorbs.
Seheon's dad tho. I feel so bad for him. I hope he finds the courage he couldn't get back then to move on like Taeyi did. Don't they say, "It takes a greater love to let go." While the others have found a greater love, I guess the words in the photographs could be the greater love and courage for him.
Anyways, it's really a good read.
I've been putting this off for quite some time now since I'm pretty weak for good angsts. But I badly wanna read this already so, TELL ME WHAT KIND OF HEARTACHE AM I SIGNING UP FOR? (/TДT)/