as far as i know the king does love him, as when yurigel is caught of being a black magician someone asks him, "how much did the king know?" and yurigel answered "everything". we know that the baby is a clone of yurigel conceived through dark magic, the baby was supposed to be born dead so that yurigel can basically transfer his soul into the baby, the king knew this, and since the baby wasn't born dead the king apparently stormed off the room angry when he saw the baby alive.

Not really all I know is that yurigel used dark magic on the king and disguised himself as the king and had a baby with the queen and the king agreed to all of it since he wants the child to look like yurigel and then they said that the baby was supposed to be dead so yurigel can live in that baby body but it survived that’s why the king left the room when he saw the baby that’s all I know for now I’ll keep searching for more if you want me to since I’m always bored and have nothing to do

I found some spoiler for the manga https://www.instagram.com/p/CASUTyUgL9B/?igshid=hvmq1tfqbfxj
I saw all the spoilers in here but I want someone to explain it like what is happening all I know is that the yellow bas- I mean Yurigel Was using black magic on the king and did things to mess with the Queen and had a baby so he had a offspring or something idk I forgot about it pls help me ( ̄∇ ̄")