whiel i agree with not uploading the official version onto here, i'm a little skeptical about your argument.
disclaimer: this is just *my* opinion
it sounds like you're justifying that it's okay for you to upload here bc you're not using the official english version. but that's flawed in itself because you uploading your "shitty" translations is nonetheless giving people the opportunity to read it for free, thus taking away revenue from author.
i appreciate what you're doing here, but i think it'd be better to just own up that what you're doing isn't actually "helping" the author at all. if you're going to do something, just own up to it.
no one else here can even say anything to you since this is an illegal pirating site. we're no better than you and you're no better than us. we're all leeches here :p
now that being said, i full-heartedly agree that if there was a choice of having an illegally translated version over the official version on a pirate website, i would want the illegally translated version to be on here.
that way, as you said, we're making people who want to see the professional versions pay for it/watch a bunch of ads to read it for free
Hi, I'm the shitty fan-translator for this series.
Someone just messaged me asking if they could upload the official English version here, and I told them to please NOT do that.
The reason why I'm making such shitty translation quality is BECAUSE I want to encourage people who either cannot wait 3 days or cannot stand my shitty quality to go buy the official version. The people who do not care about that generally have no intentions of buying the official version in the first place, so they are nor a market that affects the author's livelihood.
However, people who don't want to wait or want to read the CLEAN and PROFESSIONAL quality of the official English without paying (or without watching the ads) are the ones that I'm trying to convince to buy the official version.
Please know that by uploading the official version onto here, you are taking away potential revenue from the author, Mojito. You are HURTING her livelihood. Judging from the comments that I read here, I don't think that's something that the people here necessarily want to do.
I can't make you do anything, but I sincerely ask that you do NOT upload the official English versions here. 3 days is not a long time. Waiting that long for a shitty update that will at least help you understand what the chapter is about should be more than enough. It will come every Monday without fail, so please be patient. And please reconsider if you were thinking of uploading the official version.
Thank you.
--Shitty Anonymous Translator