Lots of comments are going on about how Jihyun is a rapist and everything. Honestly I just want a good ending for him. Not that I’m disregarding that he was a rapist but if he’s had a change of character then I think he deserves a chance. Not to mention that I think his previous character and attitude was because of poor parenting and having an unsupportive family.
Yes I believe so to but chiwoo is with someone different at the time ?(unless theirs a threesome but I doubt that cause hyung and jihyung really don’t like each other )
Yeah everyone deserves a good ending right? He still have to redeem himself tho. And he needs to leave Chiwoo alone, be sorry for what he did, then find happiness with someone else.
Yeah everyone deserves a good ending right? He still have to redeem himself tho. And he needs to leave Chiwoo alone, be sorry for what he did, then find happiness with someone else. BekaMadder
Lots of comments are going on about how Jihyun is a rapist and everything. Honestly I just want a good ending for him. Not that I’m disregarding that he was a rapist but if he’s had a change of character then I think he deserves a chance. Not to mention that I think his previous character and attitude was because of poor parenting and having an unsupportive family.