Everyone is defending chanwoo the whole time, and here i am thinking whyyyyy. He's a brat,...

Nonickname May 23, 2020 4:27 pm

Everyone is defending chanwoo the whole time, and here i am thinking whyyyyy. He's a brat, he makes the worst decisions, he hurt MD by rejecting him bc he's old. I mean, he could be a nice polite person and not reveal that hurtful reason. Also he is shallow af. He is SO hurt by what that old sub did but he knew him like, a day? And only was willing to date him coz he was "nice" and liked his looks. Sooo stupid, soooo shallow. I RLY want someone to explain the love for him. Don't get me wrong, i understand he's young, he's fun and cute, but definitely not a favourite character. MD i like tho.

    maychan May 23, 2020 4:29 pm

    he is very very shallow person, it's not even a joke at this point.

    Biss May 23, 2020 4:40 pm

    He has every right to not reciprocate someone's feelings. Even if they were the best people out there. You can't force yourself to like someone. Oh so now it's forbidden to have any preferences?
    He liked his looks, they had similar interests. Both like BDSM. And what. In every other yaoi you have shit like love at first sight. No one is complaining. He was attracted to him, thoughts maybe he was the one.
    He has every right to be shallow and sleep, be with whomever he wants.
    But what MD is doing right now is salty, petty, toxic and just dangerous.

    xielian_inlove May 23, 2020 4:40 pm

    so what if he's shallow?! the fuck?! are you going to like someone back just bc they like you? what if they're just not your type? also they got into the dom/sub thing to cam and simply play. It's not Chanwoo's fault MD fell for him. Like at all.

    Nonickname May 23, 2020 11:17 pm
    He has every right to not reciprocate someone's feelings. Even if they were the best people out there. You can't force yourself to like someone. Oh so now it's forbidden to have any preferences?He liked his loo... Biss

    Noone is fcking denying his "right" to reject someone. All I'm doing is judging his decisions, I can not believe i have to explain this, ugh. Yes, he has "preferences", the point is that he is shallow because he never gets past them even though he has been long enough with MD to naturally have created a bond. Yet his reason for not liking him isn't anything other than the damn looks all over again. Also, about the "what MD is doing is salty, petty, toxic and just dangerous". NOONE was complaining when Chanwoo was dowright dismissing, or ignoring MD showing interest, telling him he's too old, inviting him to give his blessings to him and his new parter after rejecting him and other bratty stuff like that, but when MD is being cold to him to get some reaction while NOT FORCING him to do anything, y'all are psychotherapists for couples, calling him "toxic" or whatever. Also, "dangerous" just makes no sense so I'm not gonna overlook it.

    Nonickname May 23, 2020 11:25 pm
    so what if he's shallow?! the fuck?! are you going to like someone back just bc they like you? what if they're just not your type? also they got into the dom/sub thing to cam and simply play. It's not Chanwoo's... xielian_inlove

    Noone is blaming chanwoo for MD's feelings, idek where u got that from at this point ( ̄∇ ̄"), but the fact is that looks matter only so much in an already formed relationship. When ur only reason for not liking someone is their looks after spending so much time together, then yes, u are a shallow person. "Types" irl don't rly matter that much for mature adults. But simply chanwoo does not fit that category for me. Also, chanwoo is dating others pretty easily, just coz of their looks. If that didn't happen I could overlook his shallowness and think that he simply doesn't date easily or at all. But he is just making bad decisions ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Not saying he is not a realistic character tho

    xielian_inlove May 24, 2020 12:56 am
    Noone is blaming chanwoo for MD's feelings, idek where u got that from at this point ( ̄∇ ̄"), but the fact is that looks matter only so much in an already formed relationship. When ur only reason for not l... Nonickname

    pfffttt as if im going to date someone I'm not attracted to. stop saying nonsense. if he only wants to fuck and date pretty boys then that's what he should do. he's not into MD period, so why are you trying to force him to like him that way? they got into this to cam together - if Chanwoo wants to keep doing that and not complicate the relationship THEN MD NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP AND NOT BE SALTY ABOUT THIS SHIT

    Nonickname May 24, 2020 11:23 am
    pfffttt as if im going to date someone I'm not attracted to. stop saying nonsense. if he only wants to fuck and date pretty boys then that's what he should do. he's not into MD period, so why are you trying to ... xielian_inlove

    Ok, the one saying nonsense here is you. Lets agree to disagree at this point bc this convo is pointless at this point. Noone is gonna "force" chanwoo to date anyone, what I'm saying is that he is shallow which is a fact already, ugh.

    xielian_inlove May 24, 2020 1:48 pm
    Ok, the one saying nonsense here is you. Lets agree to disagree at this point bc this convo is pointless at this point. Noone is gonna "force" chanwoo to date anyone, what I'm saying is that he is shallow which... Nonickname

    LMAO way to avoid the subject and the valid points being made. I don’t understand why you thinking Chanwoo is shallow relevant at all to him getting maltreated by his dom. Bro can date and fuck whoever he wants, and MD needs to respect that.

    Nonickname May 24, 2020 2:25 pm
    LMAO way to avoid the subject and the valid points being made. I don’t understand why you thinking Chanwoo is shallow relevant at all to him getting maltreated by his dom. Bro can date and fuck whoever he wan... xielian_inlove

    Wow. I wanted to end this bc I'm bored discussing it, I'm not "avoiding the subject" and u assuming that is making me think u can't accept others simply not agreeing with u. Our whole discussion was about chanwoo being shallow or not, which i said he was. Y are the one forcing the convo to be "why MD is maltreating chanwoo". Anyway, if that's what u want to talk about, I ofc do not believe chanwoo is being "maltreated", it had been made clear by MD that he had the chance to get out of there, he made his choice to be there, not forced into anything. Chanwoo is not a kid we should protect by making his decisions tf... Also, again, noone is saying he "can't fuck anyone he wants" or whatever, I'm simply judging his decisions by saying he is shallow to value age THAT much. I explained my opinion already so pls, just accept that we disagree coz I'm tired of saying the same things again and again...