Nvm, I've just read the continuation of the story, and there are normal animals in this world, too. Still a bit disturbing. Well, as long as no one eats a rabbit next to Usami...
Nvm, I've just read the continuation of the story, and there are normal animals in this world, too. Still a bit disturbing. Well, as long as no one eats a rabbit next to Usami... Trixie
Well... usami did once said that rabbit meat taste delicious... I wonder how he knew Lolll i made it even more disturbing XD
but like...how easy would it be to get away with murder if you just get them to trasform into an animal and then fucking eat them like that lmao Nyandatte?!
I love the story, but I can't help but keep on wondering where the heck do carnivores/omnivores get the meat from...