BDSM where dom is mixing his feelings and grudge with a play? Where he is taking his anger out on the sub because he had audacity to reject him? Where he makes sub participate in the play and things he is uncomfortable with under disguise of BDSM scene? And he knows sub won't refuse because of conditions he put on him and they are impacting his choices. What's more it was shown that Chanwoo has problems with limits, he didn't say anything while being strangled to death and MD is fully taking advantage of that. He isn't interested in the other sub in the slightest, he is just getting petty revange on Chanwoo.
This isn't good or safe representation of BDSM.

People are so quick to judge Changwoo because he said no. The poor dude has obvious issues and MD is taking advantage of that instead of trying to be compassionate and understanding.
He is exactly like his previous abusive and manipulative partners.
In what world is Changwoo a terrible person? (Referring to the original comment). I don't think that's how Changwoo views himself. He is just naive looking for love in the wrong places like the rest of us.
He literally just politely declined and set his boundaries which is his right 1000%. Why is he in the wrong?
People's way of thinking is scary honestly. If someone that loves you is treating you like shit to win your affection RUN - he/she is a scumbag. That's an abusive toxic person who you don't need in your life.
I keep seeing comments about revenge sex and whatnot and I have to say I don’t think that’s what this is exactly. I think Md is using this as a chance for chanwoo to prove that he cares for him. Regardless of how md dealt with being rejected, chanwoo is still messing with his emotions and he doesn’t know how he feels about him or if he cares at all. With this situation md can try and make chanwoo jealous proving that he cares for him. Also I’m definitely on md’s side. Y’all can say how chanwoo’s being mistreated but he’s doing it to himself. Sure he doesn’t have an obligation to date md, but he feels like he needs to be punished because he’s a terrible person which is what has happened so while yeah it sucks everything that’s hurt him in this side story is pretty much self inflicted