This kind of story reminds me of the movie "Hancock", the one with Will Smith. Except in t...

Sora July 7, 2014 2:19 am

This kind of story reminds me of the movie "Hancock", the one with Will Smith. Except in that story you're a super human with a high tolerance to take damage alone and when you're around your fated partner for too long you die like a normal human would in any dangerous situation than you normally would if you were alone.
But in this story if you find you're fated partner, ten-to-one you're gonna live out your partner and when they die you die.
Star-crossed lovers :(

    Sora July 7, 2014 2:27 am

    I just saw the raws for the ending of this and I'm bawling now. Goodbye. I'm gonna go cry ugly-like into my pillow now.