I dont understand why people are being so hateful towards chanwoo saying he deserves that while knowing MD's feeling. Lmao its not his fault cause they both agreed that it would be just work no strings attached. They both suddenly developed some feelings unconsciously. Its none of their fault, it just the situation turn out to be bad for chanwoo. Y'all got so much hate for chanwoo who got bad past experience. Try putting yourself in chanwoo's position that you are contemplating whether to stay professional or make it personal. Simply saying "chanwoo deserves it" thats just toxic and you shows how low of your empathy for someone.
I feel bad for MD too that he couldnt be honest but he needs to realize what both of them agreed on first place. Expected someone to just be honest while BDSM play? Thats just bad situation expecting someone going from professional to make it personal.
Well since their relationship are just business, then Chanwoo shouldnt have a problem with MD choosing another partner jul
We all already know they both have feelings for each other and im not blaming chanwoo or MD for getting new partner ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but just simply put the blame onto chanwoo doesnt justify , given the situation they both had were unfortunate
I dont understand why people are being so hateful towards chanwoo saying he deserves that while knowing MD's feeling. Lmao its not his fault cause they both agreed that it would be just work no strings attached. They both suddenly developed some feelings unconsciously. Its none of their fault, it just the situation turn out to be bad for chanwoo. Y'all got so much hate for chanwoo who got bad past experience. Try putting yourself in chanwoo's position that you are contemplating whether to stay professional or make it personal. Simply saying "chanwoo deserves it" thats just toxic and you shows how low of your empathy for someone.