
bananacake May 23, 2020 3:42 am

I’m starting to think that people don’t necessarily hate Jeanette per se but maybe hate the way she’s been written? Idk if that makes sense but lemme try. I mean, during the 20-goddamned-chapters where she was featured, there must have been a way for her to be likable instead of y’know, being just there. Yes, she helped Athy have a place to stay and yes, she helped Athy return to the castle, but those things happened at the beginning and end of that arc. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember anything significant happening in the middle of that arc that would have pushed towards Athy’s reunion with Claude. All there was during those chapters was either angst or lull. Then suddenly, we’re back to the main plot again. And idk, did anyone else notice when Jeanette helped Athy return to the palace and when Lucas appeared, it almost seemed forced? It was as if something pushed the author to finally move the plot forward. (It might have been because of the negative/hostile feedback from PAYING readers.) There was, I guess, a lack of buildup? Which is why we scorn those chapters so much. Jeanette’s filler chapters could have been used to maybe show her trying to help Athy and Claude little by little. Doing that would have made her likable without overshadowing the actual main character. Instead, it was just months and months of having Jeanette shoved into our faces without any progress to the story. It was honestly a waste. The filler chapters really ended up just like that—filler.

If the excuse is because this was based on a novel and giving Jeanette more substance would change it too much, well...didn’t that happen already? It already strayed from the original novel. Even Athy and Claude are different now. (I also have my gripes about the way Athy’s been written in the comic but maybe next time.) The excuse that Jeanette is like this because she's being manipulated is valid, but I feel like this also could have been done better.

OR maybe it was intentional. Maybe there would be a twist later where Jeanette’s arc and unknowingly selfish actions would be relevant. Maybe Jeanette got so much exposure to make us feel frustrated about a "main" character that exists to be loved even without doing anything. Maybe it's THAT meta. I'm trying to think this way to give the author the benefit of the doubt but tbh, every update just makes me sad. :(

Tldr: Part of our hate towards Jeanette is because of our frustration that she could have been written to be more than just an irritatingly naive character.

PS. There was also that strange part where Jeanette suddenly kinda turned yandere so I DON’T KNOW what the hell was up with that. Her character confuses the shit out of me.

    Ishika May 23, 2020 7:22 pm

    That’s what I’m saying the gap between Novel Jennette and Manhwa Jennette is too different to the point I ask my self are they same people? I’ve heard from few Koreans friends that when the novel came out yeah people hated Jennette but not as much as the manhwa I literally burst into rage when I see her. I actually don’t mind the novel Jennette even though she has yandere you get she’s an antagonist, she’s doing her job what else is she supposed to do, but with Manhwa Jennette is so different....she’s just there. She’s not harming Athy but she’s not protecting her either. What is her purpose? If she’s an antagonist why isn’t she acting like one. Most antagonist will act all innocent but they are twisted bitches on the inside. We can’t really say that about Jennette she’s just innocent and dumb so what is literally her purpose? She doesn’t help the story move along and I feel like the real antagonist is Anatascius, so is she just a scapegoat to put blame on? I’m just like you I feel so confused about her character. I also feel she wasn’t written that well. I mean no hate to spoon she has amazing art style but she really needs to move the story along. I feel like each week I come here and I’m like what the same thing again.

    bananacake May 24, 2020 7:49 pm
    That’s what I’m saying the gap between Novel Jennette and Manhwa Jennette is too different to the point I ask my self are they same people? I’ve heard from few Koreans friends that when the novel came ou... Ishika

    THIS. She’s very confusing. It’s almost as if the author’s also unsure what type of character she is. It doesn’t seem like she was set up to be a protagonist alongside Athy. She isn’t being very antagonistic either if she was supposed to be a villain (she’s too flat of a character especially if we compare her to the real antagonist). I guess we can call her a supporting character but then again, there have been too many CONSECUTIVE chapters centered on her that weren’t helpful to the main plot that I don’t know if it’s right to call her a supportive role. I understand people’s hatred towards her because it’s easier to hate her and treat her as an antagonist because the other options make less sense and also because she has brought misfortunes to Athy (whether she was conscious of it or not).

    Ishika May 25, 2020 3:35 am
    THIS. She’s very confusing. It’s almost as if the author’s also unsure what type of character she is. It doesn’t seem like she was set up to be a protagonist alongside Athy. She isn’t being very antag... bananacake

    Exactly!!! I think people much like myself really don’t understand her character. That confusion turns into frustration and before you know it people hate Jennette. Every times Jennette is involved, instead of moving forward the plot moves two steps back.