I think they meant like... when they sort of give consent? Like they say no but they actually aren't saying no? I guess its kind of a gray area? Like... yaoi logic? But still even that wouldn't really be ok irl, but since its fiction.. eh? U kinda have to apply the yaoi logic to everything since its a trope that is often used in the "yaoi universe". But like this time it felt different since most of the time they just like.. say no and are somewhat dominated but still don't physically run away or resist that much. But like, not always. There is like actual rape like when they do not want it but in the situations that it develops into an actual relationship there usually isn't that much resistance. But in this case he refused more strongly and pushed him away and like, tried to run away? I dunno it was kinda different? Then again I haven't read that much rape type yaoi. Does this make sense... I think you kinda have to like... use the yaoi perspective and how situations are different in this "universe". You know?

I would agree with you except, from my understanding he was pushing him away because it felt different. Usually people panic during sex when they're reaching a different level of orgasm. Yes, I agree yhat Hwa should've been less selfish snd stopped when asked. However, I would hardly call this "rape". Yes, I understand when someone say "no, stop" it means no consent. But, there's always a grey area in these situations especislly in the middle of intercourse. As you said, these type of behaviors is a "yaoi trope", so I don't want to waste my energy on some work of fiction. But, it does tick me off when someone senselessly calls an act rape every chance they get. Not to mentioned, when the character himself doesn't acknowledge that it's rape. Anyways, me continuing this topic feels like a waste of my years of studying psychology in collegelol! I wonder how my boss will feel right if she knew, what I was up to on this site lmao!

I do agree I think it's just fiction and not that important, but I think that if they were looking at the situation in the angle of "rape or not rape" that would be the... most logical explenation? But when I was reading it I too did feel like he was just feeling different and was confused. My initial idea was that he was maybe pregananant or something? But thats probably cuz i recently finished love is an illusion and am still in that mindset. But yeah what you said is probably right

Lmao! Well, because we either have nothing else to do, too impatient to read the next update we decide to come up with our own theories, or delaying reading the next update in our updates notification list? In my case, I'm hope I can get around rereading King's Maker soon because the updates have been piling up

Yes, exactly! Notice he came right after Hwa re-entered him before he broke down crying?... Not gonna go in too much details, but my partner and I have had a few situations like this beforehe's very cute to tease afterwards ijs anyways, that's why I couldn't see how the word rape was even relevant to this chapter

Omg, I love kings maker! But like... everytime I saw the dad/king I wanted to barf and then beat him to a pulp! And when Shin was punished or something and had to stand in the cold nekked... omg I almost cried..and the little brother who was pushed from a window or fell I don't really remember but.. Like I wanted to killlllll that creep (the king)... anyway I kinda stopped reading it when the like.. suspicious red haired guy came but the updates have piled up since then... probably gonna go reread it too

Yeah, I'm dreading re-reading the chapters involving dad/king but no way around it otherwise if defeats the purpose of re-reading it. You know what, I was always confused about that scene. I thought it meant that he no longer cared/wanted Shin around anymore...but kept visiting him after he fell "ill"?

Yeah me too. But when i reread it I decided that hes just a selfish prick. He punishes him but expects that he'll still "love" or "like" him. Kinda like in Killing Stalking? If you've read that. He just does what he wants to in the moment but then acts like it's not his fault? Maybe? That's what i gathered anyway

Me too. I read it cuz everyone kept talking about it and how they were like attracted to Sungwoo but.. no.. It was so cringy I had to like turn off my phone and like... breathe through the cringe. But like the detective.. Would have loved to see a story about him. And like I didn't understand when Bum was talking with the granny in the hospital and she told him she like.. suffocated Sungwoo with a pillow? Like no one talked about it, did she actually? Anyway it was pretty cringy and the last chapters were kind of... hm... Questionable choices were made in that series

Yes, yes totally agree. I mean honestly, when I started reading KS, it was that popular. And, I admit I was quite captivated by the lack there of or level his psychological process. It somewhat reminded me of Criminal Minds, except KS is TRULY from a killer's perspective. I didn't mind that Boom was gay and had a crush on Sangwoo...prior to trespassing on his property and being abducted himself. My biggest issue with the story was the fact that the author "attempted" to soften Sangwoo's character by making him reciprocate Boom's feelings (that's also quite questionable)... furthermore, turned out Sangwoo was in love with his abusive mother who rape him and sees his mother in Boom. I totally get that, trauma and ptsd do make people emotionally dependent of the person inflicting the damage...I guess I was disappointed that it sorta turned into a twisted "bl" (?) story with an open ended conclusion (?) with no closure for us readers.
i usually like reading rape(plz dont hate me im weird af i know) but then i really did not like how he kept saying no but hwa just kept going...