
Wait people are starting to question it more but still why is everyone just so pleased by it immediately? It's freaky... A baby speaking to you in a coherently formed sentence using manners and proper etiquette... HELL TO THE NO. Why aren't they claiming she's some sort of demon witch? Wait is magic common in the world? Either way if it isn't they should be fucking spraying her down with holy water and doing exorcisms cause hell no
I like the manhwa except for one thing... I cannot stand how she talks. Like... Why. Why are you speaking full sentences as a baby it's beyond just annoying for some reason. Am I the only one who feels this way? It just annoys me beyond no end. Especially since people don't question it more than they did. I'd be fucking freaked ngl if a one year old started talking in full coherently formed sentences. The suspension of disbelief just ain't working cheif