This Is A Personal Vent, But This One Was Perfect. Seriously. Perfect.

SlyfurVulpin May 22, 2020 2:13 am

Not going to lie... I was holding my breath. I did NOT want a tragedy. That wave of relief when I reached the end, was fantastic, and much appreciated!

Mental instability, and the lack of understanding of what a lot of people consider normal, or even natural, is hard to cope with. It’s even harder when it comes to relationships. You end up fucking up a lot! And you often can’t figure out what you’ve done wrong.. You don’t even have the time to ask what happened, before you’re watching their back, and you’re alone again.

Flaws, are flaws. We’ve all got’em. When you find the person who can stomach yours, and understands, it’s a really good feeling.. Even if not all fairytales have happy endings, it’s still a good memory to have.

So, this one.. As twisted as it sounds.. Made me really happy. It was a really good read, and almost felt refreshing.

    Apple25 May 25, 2020 4:20 am

    Right? Right? Its so goooooddd!!