Does anyone know all of the adults ages?? I’m just curious lol

Unknown May 22, 2020 12:35 am

Does anyone know all of the adults ages?? I’m just curious lol

    Fessa Oneirah May 22, 2020 12:57 pm

    Masaki: Late 20s to earlier 30s
    Hiromu: 32-33
    Yuuki: 20-21
    Matsuo: 32-33

    Unknown May 22, 2020 1:46 pm
    Masaki: Late 20s to earlier 30sHiromu: 32-33Yuuki: 20-21Matsuo: 32-33 Fessa Oneirah

    Ohhh what about Michi’s dad and the twins?

    Fessa Oneirah May 25, 2020 12:32 am
    Ohhh what about Michi’s dad and the twins? Unknown

    I'm not sure about their ages. I think that Oto is most likely in his late 20s or early 30s, and Yuuto and Shuuto are in their 20s.