Okay so-

BubblegumB!tch May 21, 2020 2:12 pm

So I'm just gonna go down a list of things my psychology obsessed brain noticed while reading this:

1) The alters not realising they're are alters is a big tick because that can happen alot if the body isn't real organised

2) gender dysphoria and dysmorphia is really common becuase the whole multiple genders in one body and low key Kazuha going "SkIrT?1??!" reminded me of that one interveiw dissociadid did when Kyle presented.

3) Does Rei give protector vibes for anyone else? He always shows up when like antagonists show up like those people who were smoking or when the cousin showed up

4) "limits" yeah... that's not really how that works from what I can tell, usually if a person has DID than the brain can develop as many alters needed to address any danger or trauma

5) "main personality" again not really how it works.... From the research I've done it's more an alter which is out the most, and this alter is called the host alter, alot of the time the host alter is the alter people associate with the body but since the whole the host alter can change, so yeah, more like a "spokesperson" to oversimplify it (by alot by the way so don't take my word on it go research)

6) "Core identity" hahahah no. Again there is a host alter but none of the alters are the "core" one or the "original" alter, all alters are apart of the brain, and while some are made before others it doesn't stop them from being the "original" one. Every alter is the "original" alter because they are all valid and deserve a chance to live.

7) Also from research we're not "born with a personality" we develop one in about 7-9 so bullll shhiii--

8) Medical treatment is neccessary but like to make the body feel safe and happy kind of thing. Like having DID really stresses the body so a person with DID needs like iron tablets and stuff like that and like therapy because some alters can still have traumatic memories and like therapy usually helps because talking and all that nice stuff

9) "Destroy his main personality" yeaaahhhhhh go read the host paragraph again. Also alters don't die, they either go dorment or they intergrate more on that later.

10) "real self" -just points at previous paragraphs and shakes head disaprovingly at the idea of it-

11) it kinda cute to me that Yuuma realises the differnce in the alter's personalities since alters are like really really good at mimicking the host body so it means the ones that realise a. feel safe enough around him to act like themselves and b. get to relax and just be themselves.

12) "don't deny the alters" yesss good job we're learning

13) From what I can tell relationships with DID could be really hard, and need lots of communication since anyone in a relationship with DID needs to establish / maintain relationships with multiple people. And yeah, one of them being jealous and being mad he cheated make sense becuase alters are different people.

14) Positive triggers, okay see now that's kind of sticking to it, music can be used to positively trigger an alter to come out, as well as toys and shiny things for child alters can create positive triggers. Probably not Yuuma's fault but like don't ever purposefully trigger another alter to come out, it's basically saying "no I don't want you right now" and noone wants that. Also if you positively trigger a child alter, the body could be in serious danger depending on the situation so just don't do it on purpose.

15) To everyone saying Mutsumi has died, ehhhhh. It's alot more complicated than that but basically intergration is when two alters combine, apparently it's similar to fusing in steven universe. Alot of the time that intergration happens can either be by choice or accidentally. However, usually intergration happens when some alters are really struggling to look after the body so the brain combines alters so that the body can be looked after. It's kind of bittersweet because it's like a new baby being born on two funerals (REALLY SIMPLIFIED DON'T THINK OF IT AS DEATH). Intergrated alters will have personality traits and characteristics like the alters that were intergrated together but intergrated alters are still NEW people, and they have their own memories and life and independent personality away from the previous alters.

16) Also I'm not sure if Mutsumi would really intergrate in that situation tbh, I haven't really gotten into intergration that much yet, but if anyone knows be free to correct me.

17) Another thing, while intergration is kind of seen as the "ultimate goal" of therapy and stuff, it doesn't neccessarily means a person with DID will just magically not have DID anymore. If the body experiences trauma again then more alters can surface, so while if a person with DID is aiming for it good for them, but they don't need to be intergrated to be "complete".

18) Low key Kazuha just gave protecter vibes becuase Rei was like "nO i WIlL nOt SeE iF i CaN gEt ThErApY" and Kazuha was like nah we gotta go see so that we aren't sad all the time.

19) intergration isn't exactly garunteed from treatment and like it's so weird to think that purposefully one of the alters will be left because really if all the alters in a body intergrated it'd be a new alter, that's just alone in the body rather than with other alters.

20) Anyways I'm a student with an interest in psychology, I'm not a doctor or anything like that so don't trust what I say, and go teach yourself stuff. If anything that I've said is wrong or insensitive, please tell me and I'll get rid of it. I definitely understand that DID is really personal and I don't want to hurt anyone so like if I've made anyone uncomfortable tell me and I'll delete.

Also now that I think about it, wouldn't it be more like Kazuha and Rei are a pair of host alters?

    JuliH May 22, 2020 7:46 am

    First of all. Thank you for this comment. That's exactly what I had in mind while reading this.
    ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
    Tbh I think the manga is doing pretty good so far (in terms of giving correct information.). If you already know a bit about DID it's easy to understand what's happening.., but as we can see in the comments it's not for everyone like this. ┐(´ー`)┌
    And second. I've also thought about Rei AND Kazuha being the host. At least for Rei it's pretty obvious since (I believe) he's the one who's fronting most of the time.

    BubblegumB!tch May 22, 2020 9:53 am
    First of all. Thank you for this comment. That's exactly what I had in mind while reading this. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)Tbh I think the manga is doing pretty good so far (in terms of giving correct information.). If you al... JuliH

    right? Like I was thinking Rei might have been like the proctector but like yeah it makes alot more sense that Rei would be the host. I do think it's interesting that Rei seems to have alot of his memories though and like that's pretty unusual of hosts usually right? Idk ╮(,--,)╭. Honeslty I'm just gonna assume they're the host alters

    JuliH May 22, 2020 11:21 am

    Well Rei could be a protector AND the host. And he also gives me some persecutor vibes (cuz he rejected to go to the hospital and he's the one who fronts when the body is in danger.). I think he might be the combination of a protector and a persecutor.
    And we don't really know HOW much Rei actually knows. It's not too unusual that the host (after learning that they have DID) remembers what happened to them. But maybe not all the details.

    BubblegumB!tch May 22, 2020 12:30 pm
    Well Rei could be a protector AND the host. And he also gives me some persecutor vibes (cuz he rejected to go to the hospital and he's the one who fronts when the body is in danger.). I think he might be the co... JuliH

    hmmmm that's true, we'll probably find out later. I'm really excited about this manga, I just kind of wish that even if the terms and stuff get messed up it like... ends up with them like coping with the DID if that makes sense? like the condition doesn't just magically disappear because smut therefore healing.

    JuliH May 22, 2020 1:03 pm

    Yeah I'm thinking exactly the same. Let's just hope. (●__●)