
kisumi May 21, 2020 12:27 pm

i like father gabriel with the vampire more

Responses May 21, 2020 1:04 pm

    sorry I meant to dislike it

    kisumi May 22, 2020 3:09 am
    sorry I meant to dislike it

    do u know that lack of taste is one of the covid symptoms? u should get it checked

    tfchanel? July 24, 2020 6:16 am
    do u know that lack of taste is one of the covid symptoms? u should get it checked kisumi

    why are you defending rapists... do you like getting raped? and no it’s not poor taste it’s common sense. you just suffer from illiteracy and need to kys

    kisumi July 24, 2020 10:53 am
    why are you defending rapists... do you like getting raped? and no it’s not poor taste it’s common sense. you just suffer from illiteracy and need to kys tfchanel?

    shut the fuck up whore its literally fiction, just bc im okay with it in fiction doesn't mean i condone it in real life, bitch u're the one who need to kill yourself fucking dumb whore

    GojoSatoru July 24, 2020 11:13 am
    why are you defending rapists... do you like getting raped? and no it’s not poor taste it’s common sense. you just suffer from illiteracy and need to kys tfchanel?

    just say you dont like the ship and go !! you read bl and u still a stupid fujoshi anyway. bet u gonna justify ur not a fetishist but ur still a weirdo motherfucker. get a job rather than justifying a fictional ship dumbass bnha stan

    ✨Rosé✨ July 25, 2020 8:55 am
    do u know that lack of taste is one of the covid symptoms? u should get it checked kisumi

    Wdym lack of taste? I’m just not supporting a rapist like you are.

    kisumi July 25, 2020 3:04 pm
    Wdym lack of taste? I’m just not supporting a rapist like you are. ✨Rosé✨

    fucker if you're looking for some healthy uwu rs then this is not the place, close your eyes and don't read it, its not that hard <3

    ✨Rosé✨ July 25, 2020 4:47 pm
    fucker if you're looking for some healthy uwu rs then this is not the place, close your eyes and don't read it, its not that hard <3 kisumi

    Stfu u uncultured bastard the one who’s got no taste is you and only you (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 go cry bout it i’m not wasting my time with u asshole

    kisumi July 26, 2020 10:51 am
    Stfu u uncultured bastard the one who’s got no taste is you and only you (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 go cry bout it i’m not wasting my time with u asshole ✨Rosé✨

    eh babi dah la kau yang sibuk reply aku tiberrr lak nak cakap tak wasting my time, kau bodoh eh? sebab aku rasa kau memang bodoh, halamak dah takde point astu lari nak menang ke ha ambik,ambik la menang tu

    GojoSatoru July 26, 2020 11:02 am
    Wdym lack of taste? I’m just not supporting a rapist like you are. ✨Rosé✨

    imagine not being able to differentiate fiction and real life ... ur one delusional motherfucker seek therapist LMAO if anything maybe u shudnt read this manhwa becuz u might go monster and rape someone 1 day cuz u cant differentiate fiction stupid ass mike wazowski avi

    ✨Rosé✨ July 26, 2020 2:54 pm
    imagine not being able to differentiate fiction and real life ... ur one delusional motherfucker seek therapist LMAO if anything maybe u shudnt read this manhwa becuz u might go monster and rape someone 1 day c... GojoSatoru

    bruh you stfu my guy if i like that ship or not aint your fucking business whore. If u motherfucker don’t like the fact that this mf ship is trash then go cry about it. The one that should be seeking a therapist is u mf. Btw that damn vampire will die. Now your dream is destroyed by me and live it psycho. Real live or fiction it doesnt matter mf so go to the trash been where you mf belongs to. Now i’m not gonna waste my time by you asshole bye motherfucker

    kisumi July 26, 2020 5:47 pm
    bruh you stfu my guy if i like that ship or not aint your fucking business whore. If u motherfucker don’t like the fact that this mf ship is trash then go cry about it. The one that should be seeking a therap... ✨Rosé✨

    yet you're still replying?! <3 you're asking for it you're dying for it, cmon get off my back

    ✨Rosé✨ July 26, 2020 6:02 pm
    yet you're still replying?! <3 you're asking for it you're dying for it, cmon get off my back kisumi

    Honey mind your business

    kisumi July 27, 2020 1:34 pm
    Honey mind your business ✨Rosé✨

    why are u so obsessed with me

    ✨Rosé✨ July 28, 2020 8:25 am
    why are u so obsessed with me kisumi

    You’re the obsessed one you keep replying duh. I said mind your fckng business but you dumbass keeps replying. So who’s the obsessed one? you.

    kisumi July 28, 2020 10:33 am
    You’re the obsessed one you keep replying duh. I said mind your fckng business but you dumbass keeps replying. So who’s the obsessed one? you. ✨Rosé✨

    i literally was the one who posted first, and u replied to me omg...and then u keep replying again and again~ u really can't see how dumb u are being right now?

    ✨Rosé✨ July 29, 2020 8:26 am
    i literally was the one who posted first, and u replied to me omg...and then u keep replying again and again~ u really can't see how dumb u are being right now? kisumi

    Bruh yeah i did reply to your dumbass comment so what? Is the world going down?? Please stfu

    kisumi July 29, 2020 9:21 am
    Bruh yeah i did reply to your dumbass comment so what? Is the world going down?? Please stfu ✨Rosé✨

    u literally could have ignored my reply yet u didn't~ how do u keep telling me to stfu and keep replying, did i hurt your wittle boo boo heart

    ✨Rosé✨ July 30, 2020 1:39 am
    u literally could have ignored my reply yet u didn't~ how do u keep telling me to stfu and keep replying, did i hurt your wittle boo boo heart kisumi

    I said stfu but hmmm look who can’t let go