I'm surprised some people don't like the FL, I mean— she's literally just trying to save...

smolmins May 20, 2020 5:14 pm

I'm surprised some people don't like the FL, I mean— she's literally just trying to save Ain from becoming a fucking monster ⚆ _ ⚆

    fujoshi des(;ω;) May 20, 2020 5:57 pm

    Ikr...i totally get it... But my weeb brain says tht... we should think abt it from another side of pov... Like... He already twisted since the beginning(it shows in chapter 1 right?)... N its not modern days... So poison food is everywhere ...n think abt it deeply... Because its not modern days... The cure/antidote is rare enough, the one who need to take care of it is the family too~( ゚▽゚)/ cause the other politicians r targeting him... N beside tht... If he is not immune to poison... Everytime he eats(im talkin abt literally every time) we need a poison food taster (which they definitely can't be trusted since outsider can betrays them) n its getting longer.. But yeah... This is one of the point why majority dont like her i guess.... Its kinda obvious if ur a big weeb like me... But i dont say anything abt me hating this manhwa... Just sayin yk~

    smolmins May 20, 2020 6:51 pm
    Ikr...i totally get it... But my weeb brain says tht... we should think abt it from another side of pov... Like... He already twisted since the beginning(it shows in chapter 1 right?)... N its not modern days..... fujoshi des(;ω;)

    I don't really know what you being a weeb has anything to do with this since this isn't a Japanese manga, it's a manhwa lol— but anyway, even if people look at it from that pov they're literally just saying "let's risk his life", I mean— yeah, he might become immune to it BUT making him drink poison that can possibly kill him in the process is just fucked up(??) and for god's sake he's just a little kid, I might've been a little more understanding if he had had his coming-to-age ceremony already and entered adolescent but bruh— and the fact that the father used the excuse of "it's a tradition" is a lot more concerning, no matter how messed up a person is— they should at least have some common knowledge about feelings, I mean??? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    That being said, I'd share the same opinion as the others if Ain was stronger physically and mentally.. but for him to drink poison at his age just seems ruthless to me.

    fujoshi des(;ω;) May 20, 2020 7:20 pm
    I don't really know what you being a weeb has anything to do with this since this isn't a Japanese manga, it's a manhwa lol— but anyway, even if people look at it from that pov they're literally just saying "... smolmins

    Welp... I tot everyone started from a weeb to even like manhua or manhwa n such ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.... N yeah.. Thts fucked up... But tht is the usual in tht world ? N yeah even he himself decided whts the best n drink the poison by himself(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜...plus those coming of age things... Isnt tht where it gonna get more worse... Like i think they're preparing... N yk...

    fujoshi des(;ω;) May 20, 2020 7:22 pm

    Welps... Maybe my pov is too twisted n maybe im into this too much tht who knows wht im actually sayin ..well nvm cuz u edi correcting me so yeah..