not nice

TheBlackHummingbird May 20, 2020 3:20 pm

sooo i read only up to ch3 buut not once did they agree on what toys they will be using, what kind of play or injury is allowed. basically top is perfectly disinterested in soft or hard limits of the bottom and bottom is miraculously fine with all that. all this applies even for their FIRST play, and then bottom only agreed on some rough sex, not on whipping or shitting or being unable o move. DRUNK. and what's with that ''you can leave the room if you don't like something i do''? and what if he can't walk, smart-ass? why not just have safe words and agree on what you'll be doing? at this rate it's not s/m, it's d/s 24/7. between a newbee and a guy who doesn't do safe words.

anyway, don't want to spoil anyone's fun, and i've read waay more ridiculous and violent manga and enjoyed it, but it angers me that this story seems to present itself as realistic, healthy and whatnot, when it really isn't. i'm also triggered because that's the kind of top i'm scared of meeting, one that seems nice and understanding but really doesn't give a shit about your willingness.

    aoisuke May 29, 2020 1:54 am

    Read the other chapters if you haven't already, the top may be brutal but when he sees the bottom can't take anymore he stops. (btw in the last chapters the bottom was still erect so-) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    TheBlackHummingbird May 29, 2020 2:51 am
    Read the other chapters if you haven't already, the top may be brutal but when he sees the bottom can't take anymore he stops. (btw in the last chapters the bottom was still erect so-) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ aoisuke

    manga is manga, it's not reality so whatever, but it should't be up to anyone else to decide how much you can take and what it is you want. and i get that yaoi logic ''your body says it's ok so it's fine'' has its appeal, but you should definitely ask the mind, because we aren't simply bodies. hahah i get it's silly to compere the two, these are 2D characters meant simply to be erotic so really, ask the body, and if it says yes then it is indeed perfectly fine, while with actual humans things are waay more complicated and delicate and everything should be very much outspoken, informed consent and all that. because bdsm done wrong can hurt people, not just in a fun way and not just physically.

    i guess my point is if you're enjoying this, great for you, i myself don't for reasons stated earlier. if you're not a kinkster and you simply like weird yaoi, go for it i guess, and if you're a bdsm enthusiast and want to get to know something about the subject trough this, well, good luck??

    Iysis June 6, 2020 8:55 am
    manga is manga, it's not reality so whatever, but it should't be up to anyone else to decide how much you can take and what it is you want. and i get that yaoi logic ''your body says it's ok so it's fine'' has ... TheBlackHummingbird

    i completely agree it actually made me mad on how the uke didn’t set any boundaries and just was like “ oh i liked how we had sex that one time we were drunk so let’s go out” like that’s just stupid and if the seme did this for a while why didn’t he speak up abt it???? like this isn’t even a good relationship either it’s toxic. and the whole “you can walk out to room if you don’t like it” thing is also very fucking stupid like how can you walk out the fucking room if u can’t stand? what if the play was too bad? i don’t understand this mangas logic and i don’t like how it seems to be “realistic” either ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    TheBlackHummingbird June 6, 2020 1:38 pm
    i completely agree it actually made me mad on how the uke didn’t set any boundaries and just was like “ oh i liked how we had sex that one time we were drunk so let’s go out” like that’s just stupid a... Iysis

    in my opinion this is a fantasy of a person with sadistic tendencies who either knows very little about bdsm or is ignoring the parts that are inconvenient for the fantasy. i might be wrong, but the bottom just acts and thinks and reacts in all the illogical ways that are convenient for the top. that being sad, masochistic wish-fulfillment stories can also produce some crazy shit, like in sneaky red or kemono asobi, but those don't present themselves as realistic bdsm stories, they are just about violence and over the top, no one would think of those situations as safe or healthy so no one would mistake fantasy for reality - and that's why this one makes me especially angry, and disappointed. aaand characters are flat and story non-existent, as far as i could see

    aoisuke July 16, 2020 8:43 am

    Realised I forgot to say this, I myself do S&M, the M never chooses the play or toys they use. Obviously it’s going to be similar each time but we never choose. You don’t have to reply just forgot to say this^^

    TheBlackHummingbird July 16, 2020 5:36 pm
    Realised I forgot to say this, I myself do S&M, the M never chooses the play or toys they use. Obviously it’s going to be similar each time but we never choose. You don’t have to reply just forgot to sa... aoisuke

    Still, i'm guessing your expirience irl wasn't about you having no say in what's gonna happen to you at all, like this guy here obviously didn't have? I'm not attacking you or anything, but can we agree this here was unreasonable, and wouldn't be nearly ok as an irl thing?