Thats true but he still did technically threatened him with a gun, I just find it funny that people are NOW realising that Cole is mentally unstable. And the cheating is what triggered them to dislike Cole, not the more serious situation of threatening your lover with a gun. Like did these people skipped the entire vol 1. lol.

I mean, they ARE a toxic relationship, Cole pulled out a gun twice and Alex condoned it and forgot about it pretty easily. That's worrying as hell hahaha
Yet, quoging you, this is just their unhealthy relationship as it is, not some drama created to distract the reader and make them believe there's "a problem" going on and they have to resolve it before the story ends, so they don't pay attention to the bad written characters and plot.
When you have story like this one, that doesn't necessarily sustains itself by adding unnecessary drama, then you know the characters are well built and they can stand alone even if there's not a heavy plot.

I agree and disagree with your comment. I do like the flaws they have and probably some other people. But you have to understand that everybody has their own opinion. Just because we dont like the cheating doesnt equal we see everything as a fairytale. If your in favor of the cheating thats fine too. We often root for the character actions or frown upon it.

to me it just a bad writing story that is not consistent then been "dark", I love dark story's and I read much better dark stories then this that were much more consistent then this crap of a story. and has for "dirty" again I read much better dirty yaoi stories than this that actually make you think hard! this is just a dump story with no structure.
so I think the reason that people get angry is cause it just becomes very unlogical at this point and the story loses the point. if it gets this bad, then it just a bad writing story, cause believe or not stories need to be consistent and have some logic unless the point to have no logic. which is not in this case of this story we have here, this story we have here does want to make sense and be logical since it is a slice of life.

Why would I be in favor of cheating?? In which part says I'm in favor of it?? I just said that this is not "right" or "wrong" this is a character with flaws. That's it. Now you're putting words in my mouth that I didn't say. And that is concerning, is that what you read? That I condone cheating? You need a bit more of comprehensive reading there.
And as you said, everyone has their opinion. That's my opinion, why am I getting lectured by it then? Why don't you understand that this is my opinion? XD
Man, your argument is filled wiht holes.

I never said it was a masterpiece.
And I'm not even saying it's my favorite.
It is messy, it lacks structure and mostly it is a little empty. But I like it, I like how they don't throw their problems as a major drama overflow, I like that they present just how wavy you can be even if you have what you wanted.
You gotta love how people talk and give "advises" and criticize this manga for Cole, as if they didn't have flaws.
Like, some people uses their own flaws to build characters and make them more authentic. Not all stories are sweet, honey dripping candies, and if you think people don't cheat or people get to be together wiht the first person they fell in love with... Eh, you need to grow up a little.
I actually like the sense of "dirtyness" of this, like they're not pure, they're not ideal, not even Alex or Brad. They're just characters with plenty of flaws trying to build a relationship the best way they can, and that's awesome. Something you don't see too often.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ unpopular opinion maybe?