This Feng Wushuang dame is seriously stupid

meltykitty May 20, 2020 6:58 am

I guess it’s not 100% her fault because she was written this way but come ON. What a dumb kid! The demon fellow is clearly a lying manipulative jerk and she still sticks up for him! And even went against the principles of her sect! Plus if she’s so righteous and all why did she still break her promise to her beloved master?? Looks like she’s one of those “conveniently righteous” FLs....all for misplaced kindness and all that bs as long as it suits her whims and fancies

    GingerKK May 20, 2020 7:01 am

    She's so indecisive. She can't choose one and wants both. She's clearly that annying b*tch that wants to seem like she is an angel and accepts every single person but she's just digging a her own damn grave.