bookwork123 May 20, 2020 4:18 am

Don’t get me wrong guys. Solo leveling is an amazing manga, and I’m absolutely obsessed with Jinwoo, but the comparisons are pretty annoying.

    demon13o May 22, 2020 2:38 am

    I can agree, it's happened on so many that have a slightly similar theme -_- It gets annoying when they compare it to just that one like it wasn't the first with this theme. ( ̄へ ̄)

    They get so uppity and huffily about it not being as good. They are after all different takes of a similar idea. Plots, characters, storyboards, and layout are of course all different the only thing they have in common are the dungeons in real life concept. It becomes a headache reading all the comparisons and how they're going to drop the series because it's not the same... If it was the damn same it'd be the same artist or even the same author mergs!

    When you read something you're suppose to read it with an open mind and not restrict it with another series as it's build up. This series would be the third or fourth I've seen comparisons to. -.- I'm sure this one I read would end up being compared to SAO to the max for it's idea concept =.='

    It doesn't do a series justice to compare it on a small concept they share when there are so many other things that are different. Should give the author and artist the chance to develop their tale as most series build off a core concept. Take martial arts types they all spin from a similar concept, but you don't see people comparing them and the same for drama's. It's just because this concept is the newest fad type that had become popular. If they want to compare they should just stop take a deep breath and bite their tongue and just nor read it. ^v^

    Moth May 22, 2020 11:41 pm

    Solo leveling fans apparently behave exactly like obsessive kpop fans. It has the most toxic fanbase imo. If you read on mangadex you can see how they compare everything to solo leveling, despite the concept of solo leveling isn't original either. Solo leveling isn't the first one with dungeon-appearing-in-the-city-concept, nor it is the first one with the hunter concept, nor it is the first one that introduce game-like interface. But of course, the fans didn't see that, coz they only see solo leveling.

    Moth May 23, 2020 12:04 am

    Oh and one more similarity, the ants in solo leveling. If I want to be harsh, I could say that solo leveling rips off HunterxHunter Chimera Ant arc, obviously fall short than HunterxHunter. But I don't do that coz despite the overwhelming similarity, I still respect the author that it could deliver another ant story in their world concept. Just like thousands isekai manga, otome villain manga, I still read all of them despite similar tropes. If I hate/dislike the manga, it is solely because of the manga failed to deliver nice story, not because I compare them with one another.

    Moth May 23, 2020 12:21 am

    Oh, and did I mention about his necromancy ability? Again, if I want to be harsh, it is just too similar to the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, how the MC is 'solo-ing' war missions with his necromancy+warrior ability. I believe before LMS, there are also many manga with similar concepts. But of course, when there is a new manhwa recently where the MC uses necromancy (I forgot the title), of course the ignorant and fanatic fans will again scream Solo Leveling.

    I'm sorry for the long rant. I got so fed up with this annoying people.

    labyok May 23, 2020 3:57 am

    says on the end note that "Ngl, this is literally solo leveling XD
    But, if you want to enjoy a slightly different story with the same premise, this is for you!"

    so don't go writing things and expect people to have different expectations. its like saying this totally taste like an apple but you're eating an orange. sure, they're fruits, but that's it. would've been safer to say its similar to solo leveling or what not.

    So yah, that's how you can easily get a pretty annoying comparison ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    crow May 27, 2020 7:11 am

    I think it is more incredibly easy to compare it to. at this point, soooo many people have read solo leveling. and, personally, I adore it. some stories are good, but the... is it called a trope? where the main character gets stronger and becomes op is then narrowed down to if there is often a game guide where you can see your levels, etc... and then powers, abilities, situations where one person is betrayed and wants to defeat the people that either cursed them in their old life or current one. they usually gain some incredible power in one way or another in order for them to become indisputably, a badass.

    it's not that they are the same. i often defend stories when people call them 'exactly like solo leveling' because often they are not. in solo leveling his motivation is completely different than overgeared, or kill the hero. just a small twist in the main characters attitude drastically changes a story in my opinion.

    but, in the end, if I said 'this gives off "kill the hero" vibes' people might not get it. but saying 'this story is like solo leveling' makes it easy to understand. for me, this is what made me decide to read it. I haven't actually started this story yet.

    crow May 27, 2020 7:18 am
    Oh and one more similarity, the ants in solo leveling. If I want to be harsh, I could say that solo leveling rips off HunterxHunter Chimera Ant arc, obviously fall short than HunterxHunter. But I don't do that ... Moth

    i was watching a live stream of a youtube reading solo leveling for the first time as an avid hunterxhunter watcher and manga reader. (I spent 12 hours on this. I personally love solo leveling, and watching his reactions reminded me of when I read it for the first time so long ago. it was worth it and funny)
    He was incredibly worried when his followers commented that there was an 'ant arc' and he was terrified that they would copy hunterxhunter. he was talking over and over about how he would 'drop solo leveling fast' if the ant arcs were too similar, but once he started it, and got into solo leveling, (and eventually the ant arc) he admitted that just because they were 'super ants' did not make them the same. he said that while reading the main part of the arc he never once got the impression that they were copying hunter hunter, and it gave off a different feel. because, in the end, the stories were different.

    i was just happy he said that, because if someone drops a story because it's related to another, they're just missing out. comparisons are fine, but the stories are completely different and it would be a shame to only enjoy one when you could enjoy both. that's my take, anyway.

    demon13o May 29, 2020 10:17 pm
    Oh, and did I mention about his necromancy ability? Again, if I want to be harsh, it is just too similar to the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, how the MC is 'solo-ing' war missions with his necromancy+warrior ab... Moth

    OMG! That's where my brain was like "this seems familiar... where was it again?" XD So many use other's elements and ideas and tweak it just a bit to be "different".

    demon13o May 29, 2020 10:26 pm
    I think it is more incredibly easy to compare it to. at this point, soooo many people have read solo leveling. and, personally, I adore it. some stories are good, but the... is it called a trope? where the main... crow

    I could understand if they fixed the statement to "this is similar in thoughts and elements of solo leveling" or at least something similar, but to blank face say it's exactly like solo leveling is what eats a series to it's death. Built up with a hype that it should be as good, but find so many differences and are turned away or put off. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    However, the 'Kill the hero' vibe is a rare one to find and actually an enjoyable type to read even the rare 'hero turned evil' is an amusing one that I don't think I would have ever found fun to read o_o

    Either way this one has an interesting take on dungeons, it's very different when you take in the differences from the sky dungeons to the anthill dungeons. I was a little impressed when I looked into the raws which I can't wait for it to catch up to see the [*-*-*-* Spoiler *-*-*-*-*] new player that almost became a dungeon death. >v<