I feel her pain

SwiggatySwooty May 19, 2020 7:00 am

I have a similar body type to the MC (I'm 4" 9' and past my growing age) and the fetish talk is real( ̄へ ̄). It honestly screws with your head wondering if your partner is fetishizing you or not and you get a lot of stares if you hold hands with your partner in public. A small body type isn't the worst in the world, but if any girl out there wishes she was the "small, cute type"...it isn't that great. Lots of pedos and stares honestly.
Long personal story coming up.....*possessive partner trigger warning*
Having been exposed to the loli community, I was well aware from a young age that there was a large market for pedo's who fetishized my body type (even though I'm an adult). I've been approached by guys who clearly had size/Asian fetishes and it kind of traumatized me. They all want to know what a small, Asian girl "feels like". I got stuck mulling over the question "is it creepy if a guy finds my body type attractive?"
I agreed to date a guy who was demisexual (they only experienced attraction if they have an emotional connection), and thought it would be safe. However, my new partner became possessive and paranoid because he was afraid I would get assaulted because I was such an "easy target". My size wasn't the only thing fueling his possessiveness but it was defiantly related. He kept pointing out if any guy looked at me, and got upset if I went out without texting him because he was worried I would be attacked. I don't even drink or party--the most exciting thing I do is get lunch with a friend.
My partner was also white and I also became a token "cute, small, Asian girl" girlfriend and toted around like a prize--it was pretty de-humanizing. He didn't have an Asian fetish, but still liked to brag about having a "small, Asian girlfriend". At first I didn't care, heck I even joked about it with him and encouraged it cuz I thought it was harmless fun, but that was a big mistake because it got creepy fast. All his friends were amazed that he "bagged" me, and people would comments like "I didn't know you were into girls like THAT". People clearly thought he had a small, Asian girl fetish, and guys would ask him stuff like "what is it like to split open your tiny girlfriend?". To be fair, he didn't like the sexual comments either, but they made him even more paranoid. However, when you go around bragging about how tiny your girlfriend is (which is kind of creepy to do), then you attract creeps who make creepy comments. I spit with him when the paranoia got out of hand.
Anyways, time to stop treating the comment section like my personal biography. Now I just stick to manga men; fluffy, possessive boyfriends are cute and enjoyable when they're trapped in pages :)

    Sailormercury00 May 19, 2020 12:57 pm

    I'm so sorry that happened to you :(( thank God you left him he sounded crazy