I was going to say same thing. Actually author reflects the reality very well. I think in every relationship this kind of confusions are normal when you meet someone who is very different from your current partner but he/she still is very well going with you, except marriage. Marriage is my red line.

Everyone has their own bar of cheating or what and until where can it be cheating. The comments section was so stuck up on the fact that once u "cheat" you are a scum as if the fact that you are attracted to another human is just forbidden just cuz its OVER! Humans are much more complex creatures and a single act cannot determine a humans character is all Im saying. It all depends on ones morals and where they come from. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

@chicken soup @babey
Well where I come from, cheating could be emotional and physical which in this manga showed both. Why engage in an exclusive relationship with a single person if you want to do sexual and romantic things with other people and claim it isn’t cheating as long as it’s not sex? Just have tons of friends with benefits then. If you have an exclusive bf, you have to be responsible with your actions. Are you saying as long as it wasn’t sex you would be okay with your bf sucking someone else’s sick when you aren’t around? You would be okay with your bf saying they wanna date someone else other than you while in an exclusive relationship? You aren’t animals to just act on based on your instincts. You can decide whether to act on those impulsive desires. That what we call loose morals.

First of all it was cole who made a move... with way Alex was he had already asked if he could screw other girls when they decided to date again. If my boyfriend were to ask me of course i would be bothered but who am i to stop him and will that really stop him if he isnt emotionally or physically satisfied with me? Isnt a relationship supposed to be for the peace of mind of both the partners? Isnt this like chaining people up which makes people cheat all the more and that why the most marriages or committed relationships fail? Im not saying you are wrong but its not right either since its based on ones own morals there is no right or wrong way in this! I have dated the Alex kind of guy and am currently with the Brad (not very compatible but passionate and kind) kind of guy! and let me tell you after a certain point just Sex inst enough. A relationship is build on past failures and pain and understanding and embracing them not isolation and guilt.
If any of yall have been in a relationship with a person with the opposite personality as you will only get this! What Cole did was not cheating actually and the insecurity he feels is still real....its cuz Alex despite being faithful does not bother to dig in the the dark places of Cole....
get a life yall! stop hating while not even having any experience ( ̄へ ̄)