Alex showed many times how he cares deeply about Cole. omg what should he do? His life should only soon around Cole because Cole is insecure. Cole doesn't give anything from himself.Lol he threatened guy with the gun and Alex still deals with it. Alex punched guy for badmouthing Cole, he isn't embarrassed about saying that they are together to other people.
Cole only cares about Alex looks. This relationship is already unbalanced but not because of Alex. But because of Cole.

because! that's probably because their relationship is toxic cause Alex feels like there is no way out of the relationship; who knows what Alex is truly feeling?? we don't know that! what we do know is @something has a big point. do you not realize that their relationship relies on sex? they legit have nothing in common except for having dicks. besides, this is the first time Alex has liked a guy, before dating a guy, he always liked girls. i feel like Alex just feels obligated to being in a relationship cuz he feels like he don't have another choice. maybe Alex just wants to be "loved" so he uses this relationship to do so. i don't exactly think Alex is emotionally or romantically comfortable with Cole because of what he did. on the other hand, i agree with @something cause it does seem like he feels even lonelier with the relationship he is currently in. nah y'all bitches think he cheated? well MAYBE HE DID! and so what? he did it because he probably deep inside feels upset with his current relationship. comon y'all, we just want Cole to be happy, ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I lost lasyy brain cells while reading this absurd bs. You are making things out of thin air. Alex was sweet, caring guy who showed how much he cares about Cole. Your assumptions doesn't have any base in the plot. He literally told others that they are together, he is not ashamed. He is not perfect but he can't be responsible for Cole's insecurities.
Cole's feelings are actually shallow, he only cares about looks. He cheated. CHEATING isn't big deal? Lmfao wtf. Cheating doesn't have excuses. Sorry to break it to you. If you are upset with current relationship, you BREAK UP and then you can sleep with whomever you want.

Really mature.
P a t h e t I c

If for you saying stfu is making a point... Then yeah we have nothing to discuss. Your pov is so wrong.

then what's wrong with my fuckin' opinion then? is it illegal or sum to have my own assumptions about things that might be true? you're saying what i said was bs? well lemme tell y'all sumthing. why can't we all just realize that this is not only about stoopid Alex but about Cole's feelings and emotional state as well?! in fact, the whole story line is based in his fucking point of view! ok like, i get why you guys are concerned about Alex and all, but look at this from a different perspective y'all! just please think abt Cole too! y'all are prob hypocrites anyways. learn to be open-minded you ignorant bitches.
It's really obvious that Cole wishes Alex expressed himself more emotionally like Cole does. Many comments here have mentioned about how Alex accepted Cole's insecurities, but in many relationships, that's not enough. The issue is that it seems like Cole honestly wanted Alex to be crazy about him, and understand how he feels. It's like when Alex acted like he was jealous of Brad, Cole honestly felt a little happy and secure. Only then to feel upset with Alex when he acted like he was joking. With the way Alex acts, Cole seems to feel pressured since it reinforces the emotional pedestal that Alex puts him on. Although it's not fair and ok to cheat on anyone, the feelings Cole has is something that a lot of people have dealt with.
Sometimes, you need someone who actually understands you. Who actually can empathize with your problems. Like when Cole was caught with his scars, Alex couldn't even sense why that happened, which probably made Cole feel even lonelier. And it seems like Cole doesn't have any genuine relationships, outside of his romantic one. He doesn't even have a supportive group of friends who he can actually talk with about his problems. Even the female friend he has seems nice, but not like someone he's actually felt ok talking with his issues about. I'm not saying that Cole or Alex should stay together, but outside of their romantic situation I feel like part of me understands where Cole's insecurities lie. I don't think Alex seems rarely or never express any vulnerable aspects of himself, while Cole seems to always have them written on his face. That dynamic isn't healthy in any setting. Cole never actually felt like he was truly wanted by Alex, which is why he went crazy in the first place, and will always feel the need to push Alex's buttons. It's not that surprising that this would happen. Which isn't really anyone's fault.