Do you touch your body to feel good when masturbating? If so, do you go "mmmmm haaa fuck it feels good i think im going to come" when you apply lotion or soap when taking a bath? When you put the spoon in your mouth, do you tremble out of excitement because the food is touching your tongue or the roof of your mouth?
No. I don't have a prostrate gland but i think it goes without too much thinking that these things are not sexual at all lmao not unless the person is horny as fvck and could get off with a stinky piece of shiz then I guess, its a yes?

Hahaha maybe no? Because shit isn't a foreign object like you know when you touch your neck it doesn't really feel anything jist normal but when somebody touched you're like woah there bruh.
But I dunno. I think shit feels good because you want to take it out but I don't think it excites me in a way LOL. Only saying for myself and no judgment here though if you by chance feels something.
ok ok so i've had this question for a while, so you know how an uke feels good from his ass so when a ukes taking a shit is he like "mmmmm haaa fuck it feels good i think im going to come" or no coz i dont know ??.