Since you're referencing wikipedia or some shit maybe read up on something someone educated actually wrote down.
And I thought that I would encounter some valid argument with scientific basis
but what I just read was an essay about a pedo trying to defend himself.
First thing first shotacon/lolicon is not like any other work of fiction where we get into a history and we see the characters evolving and it's okay because it isn't real, when we talk about enjoying shotacon/lolicon we talk about enjoying something that TONS of people go trought and creat a huge trauma from, and something so bad and so traumatic shouldn't be used as anyone kink, especially when it's treated in such a normal manner like in this manga.
The existence of this kind of history just romanticizes pedophilia and this is irrefutable, and from the moment that pedophilia is treated lightweight manner this turns things into something even more twisted, because its basically saying that it's okay to prey for children when they can't even defend themselves because they are in "love".
Enjoying this kind of content it's basically saying that you like to see children being raped by an adult.
Here is what im gonna say to this manga. Absolutely downright creepy. Whats more creepier than the manga is the people who are getting defensive over this pedo manga and saying this shit aint real and stuff. Is your brain broken? You think this shit isnt happening in real life? I guess its because of how much of a pussy you are to not look into whats really happening in real life, and you think that this manga is fiction. No. This shit is happening in real life. I think pedophelia is disgusting and that the people who support this manga is more disgusting to know.
Its ok to be in a 10 year old age difference... but not when YOURE STILL NOT A FULLY DEVELOPED ADULT. Hes literally a fucking 9 year old boy that hasnt gone to puberty while this fuckin grown ass dude goes to uni and can literally live by himself, and can get a lover but instead wanted to be a pedo.. Hes so stupid to not think what hes doing to the child.
Wiki literally says that shota means that youre attracted to young boys or you like boys doing something.. If you like shota thats means youre a perverted pedo. I dont wanna read your comment saying you like this shit and stuff because I do not want to attack nor does the other people. They only say stuff to you because youre not right in your mind.
" Shotacon, sometimes also abbreviated to shota, is a Japanese slang term and a contraction of the phrase shotaro complex, and describes an attraction to young boys or a person with such attraction." Wikipedia
I mean come one man, Why support this shit when you can support something better? Im not talking about murder stories or stuff like that cause thats also down right wrong to support. Obey me, Killin stalking...shit like that..Im talking about cute and fluffy relationships. Not child porno. I think the people who support this are like young people who are dumb and naive to think this is cute or if youre a teenage or an adult or whatever, are perverted pedos.
Even teenagers would say this shit is disgusting. We literally learn this shit in school and from your parents. This is logic in the 2000s.