Jenette is a victim too

Elliota Moonskin May 17, 2020 9:31 pm

I see a lot of people in the comments hating on Jenette, and I just don’t get it.

Jenette is a character that was created from manipulation and for manipulation. She is used by her adoptive father and her real father to cause problems in the palace. She was secluted most of her life in her house, and doesn’t seem to have friends. Claude only uses her as a means to ease his pain, without taking into consideration how his actions affect the girl. The only people that care about her are Athy and Ijekial. “But she had it easy in her previous life”; you are blaming her for things of the past, for things that she doesn’t even know because this is another timeline, and I’m pretty sure she got into the palace in her pst timeline by the same manipulative means as in this one, which is not her fault but her adoptive father’s. “But she is annoying”; she is a fucking child, for God’s sake. She is curious because she is a child, and she wants to be with her “real” family, which is totally normal. “But she is so dumb, I can’t stand her”... wtf, do you expect her to be a matemathician or something???? Athy is smart only because she is an adult in a child’s body, and already know from past life what things could happen.

If you still don’t understand that Jenette is a victim of her situation too, just as Athy, I think you don’t understand the manhwa and should read it again.

    448j445 May 17, 2020 9:56 pm

    it all comes down to the mentality of the readers who look at the entire story and the psychology + relationships of the characters. athy is kind, the protagonist, smart, beautiful, and relatable with her experiences. everyone's rooting for her and wants her to be happy. in comes jeanette, who was the person who was supposed to be her nemesis throughout the entire plot until they befriended each other. it really isn't jeanette's fault for being ignorant and annoying, she's just a plot device to continue making the story more complicated. unfortunately, jeanette is just portrayed as an antagonist that prevents athy from getting what she wants, which is what all readers want from this manhwa.

    Elliota Moonskin May 17, 2020 11:52 pm
    it all comes down to the mentality of the readers who look at the entire story and the psychology + relationships of the characters. athy is kind, the protagonist, smart, beautiful, and relatable with her exper... 448j445

    That’s true, yes! But just because she is an antagonist, doesn’t mean she has to be so hated. It seems as if people think she wants to be in the situation she is put in, while in reality both characters are manipulated by forces that are outside of their powers, especially Jenette since she doesn’t have any memories from past life and magic powers as Athy. It just seems unfair to me that some readers have this behavior towards her, when we should be rooting for the happiness of both characters.

    Elliota Moonskin May 18, 2020 4:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yona Zowey

    That’s totally understandable! I know that because of the way she is written she can come as an annoying character, but I hope that in the future, readers come to relate to her or support her the same way that they do with Athy! ╥﹏╥