imagine you're gifted with good art skills and you draw a 19 year fucking a 9 year old. t...

Jonn May 17, 2020 8:15 pm

imagine you're gifted with good art skills and you draw a 19 year fucking a 9 year old.
to all those people saying "it's just fiction!!" or "it's shotacon you should have expected sex XD!!!! " 1) just cause it's fiction it doesn't mean it validates pedophilia and fiction does affect reality 2) if you think this is alright and if you're angry that people are commenting on how disgusting this then you SERIOUSLY need some help , shotacon or lolicon doesn't make pedophilia cute LMAO please get some help before it gets worse

    manga puppy May 17, 2020 8:59 pm

    Lmao why u bothered cuz a tall drawing went in a small drawing like yea it’s bad, u have good morals we know

    SUHPREME May 17, 2020 10:03 pm
    Lmao why u bothered cuz a tall drawing went in a small drawing like yea it’s bad, u have good morals we know manga puppy

    Can you at least make sense?

    manga puppy May 17, 2020 10:16 pm
    Can you at least make sense? SUHPREME

    Yea I am and am asking. Why are u so bothered about a drawing I mean they are literally inks and scribbles. Oh and if it makes u feel better they are not actually touching cuz u have to draw on a blank space to make it looks like they are. That’s how art works. Am just saying we have heard the same thing over and over again we know. If u are gonna complain about this also complain about action movie where people gets killed cuz that is not any better. Does this make sense now?

    FYI I actually don’t like shota am just not bothered by a drawing if the other wants to draw so be it. If they one day turn a pedophile then trash them then.

    killuafan88 May 17, 2020 10:59 pm
    Yea I am and am asking. Why are u so bothered about a drawing I mean they are literally inks and scribbles. Oh and if it makes u feel better they are not actually touching cuz u have to draw on a blank space t... manga puppy

    if you don't like shota then what the fuck are you trying to achieve here? honestly just shut the fuck up why are you comparing death in a movie to people fetishising kids doing sexual things with an adult

    manga puppy May 17, 2020 11:08 pm
    if you don't like shota then what the fuck are you trying to achieve here? honestly just shut the fuck up why are you comparing death in a movie to people fetishising kids doing sexual things with an adult killuafan88

    Ehhhhhhhhhh if u don’t like pedophile then why the fuck are you here. What are you trying to achieve here? Saying murder and killing and beating people up is sooooo okay cuz uk it’s a movie no one is getting hurt. But bothering urself over two drawings made or ink and scribbles. So once again, what are YOU tryna achieve making noise here. Like we don’t fucking know REAL LIFE Pedophile that IS NOT DRAWING is wrong

    killuafan88 May 17, 2020 11:26 pm
    Ehhhhhhhhhh if u don’t like pedophile then why the fuck are you here. What are you trying to achieve here? Saying murder and killing and beating people up is sooooo okay cuz uk it’s a movie no one is gettin... manga puppy

    LMFAAO I'm here to tell morons like you to stop spouting shit outta your ass. Lol what I'm getting from your message is that you are illiterate like when the fuck did i say violence was okay huh??? Like why you just making shit up to prove your point. Even if it's just a drawing i hope your stupid ass realizes fiction affects reality. The difference between your "movie example" is that no sane person would glorify the violence scenes because it's a movie unlike people like you who try to justify statutory rape and even glorify it just because "it's a drawing."

    SUHPREME May 17, 2020 11:37 pm
    Ehhhhhhhhhh if u don’t like pedophile then why the fuck are you here. What are you trying to achieve here? Saying murder and killing and beating people up is sooooo okay cuz uk it’s a movie no one is gettin... manga puppy


    killuafan88 May 17, 2020 11:39 pm


    Tadano May 17, 2020 11:48 pm
    LMFAAO I'm here to tell morons like you to stop spouting shit outta your ass. Lol what I'm getting from your message is that you are illiterate like when the fuck did i say violence was okay huh??? Like why you... killuafan88

    Nobody said fiction doesn't affect reality.

    Fiction affects reality THE WAY YOU LET IT HAPPEN.

    So if you have low enough morals to have some shota manga affect how you see real life children, get help? Those are clearly not the same?

    So nobody glorifies violent scenes in movies? Why the hell are there some movies that are simply full of mindless gore and killing then? Shouldn't those should be banned? Think of the hypocrisy.

    manga puppy May 17, 2020 11:54 pm
    Nobody said fiction doesn't affect reality.Fiction affects reality THE WAY YOU LET IT HAPPEN.So if you have low enough morals to have some shota manga affect how you see real life children, get help? Those are ... Tadano

    I just want to say.........I FUCKING LOVE THIS COMMENT

    manga puppy May 17, 2020 11:56 pm
    Nobody said fiction doesn't affect reality.Fiction affects reality THE WAY YOU LET IT HAPPEN.So if you have low enough morals to have some shota manga affect how you see real life children, get help? Those are ... Tadano

    This is simple and clear if u let what u read affect u Then u have to get help. Cuz I don’t see people pulling some matrix stunt cuz uk the matrix was all cool. Oh wait I don’t see people eating humans cuz Uk they watched Tokyo ghoul

    Coochiecuddles May 18, 2020 12:00 am
    Lmao why u bothered cuz a tall drawing went in a small drawing like yea it’s bad, u have good morals we know manga puppy

    Pedophilia is pedophilia is pedophilia, there is no difference what medium it's on, if you make such a distinction between reality and fiction on a topic like this, you're immediately fucking stupid. Fiction directly affects reality and vice versa. The problem is that there us actually pedophilia happening in the real world, and the sensationalization of it in mangas and shit like this is absolutely not helping. Dont fuckin defend this manga, you're not doing anyone any favours, and you're making yourself look like a sick fuck, and I dont think that's how you wanna be seen, now is it.

    Tadano May 18, 2020 12:10 am
    Pedophilia is pedophilia is pedophilia, there is no difference what medium it's on, if you make such a distinction between reality and fiction on a topic like this, you're immediately fucking stupid. Fiction di... Coochiecuddles

    If you refuse to see the distinction between fiction and reality then YOU need help. "Fiction directly affects reality" Imagine having so low critical thinking skills that you directly associate the two? So you think what happened in this manga happened in real life? This is based after real events? Every. Little. Thing? (That is not the point but you make it seem like it)

    Now look, any educated person would know that this shit happens in real life. Actual pedophiles exist. They hurt real children. Nobody's hurting anyone reading this.

    If you have built up strong moral foundations, how would this work? You grow up a prim and proper person, but once you read this shota manga you suddenly have the urge to abuse real life children?? That's not how humans operate. Read up on psychology, man.

    So when you throw the term pedophilia around and curse people here I'm supposed to sit back and let it happen? You're actually causing more damage here.

    manga puppy May 18, 2020 12:16 am
    LMFAAO I'm here to tell morons like you to stop spouting shit outta your ass. Lol what I'm getting from your message is that you are illiterate like when the fuck did i say violence was okay huh??? Like why you... killuafan88

    Yadi yadi yada oh shush. If u not gonna complain about killing in movies stfup. And btw we ain’t justifying shit we just saying y’all comment is annoying like we don’t already know pedophile is bad. Stop tryna dodge the killing facts cuz uk we right. Oh while u are wasting ur time here how about u take u wussy ass and go do something about real issues in the real world. Like am so sorry am not bothered about what bunch of inks That are not even moving do on a paper but bothered about what actually Happens in the real world. And no one said u justifying violence. Just as u are not bothered cuz uk it’s just a horror movie “it’s not like u glorify” killing or anything. That’s how we saying stfup it’s just a drawing it’s not like we glorify pedophile (believe it or not am not a fan of shotacon)

    Coochiecuddles May 18, 2020 12:17 am
    If you refuse to see the distinction between fiction and reality then YOU need help. "Fiction directly affects reality" Imagine having so low critical thinking skills that you directly associate the two? So you... Tadano

    You're so fucking stupid, that you cant even understand what you're saying. Nobody said that reading shota wil immediately turn you into a pedo. I curse at people defending pedophilia because that's what you fucking deserve, if not worse. Imagine thinking that defending pedophilia in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM puts you in the right. The fact of the matter is that accepting, encouraging or any reaction to pedophilia that isn't outright disgust is affecting society which conveniently keeps most pedos like you in place. Romanticizing and sensationalizing this shit is the problem, reading this doesn't make you a monster, I made the mistake of reading it lol, but reacting you and other crackheads like you had show that you were fucked up ALREADY

    Tadano May 18, 2020 12:27 am
    You're so fucking stupid, that you cant even understand what you're saying. Nobody said that reading shota wil immediately turn you into a pedo. I curse at people defending pedophilia because that's what you fu... Coochiecuddles

    Unless you can't comprehend, that is obviously the point you were making when you said "fiction directly affects reality". Maybe you're the stupid one since you clearly can't understand what I'm saying.

    This is not pedophilia this is not real period.

    Nobody's enabling pedophiles by liking this shit. Art is not to blame. People are. There are a lot of problems and factors that make someone commit a crime. Reading fanfiction, manga isn't necessarily one.

    You're repeating the same things and we're not going anywhere with this.

    If you don't accept this is art, this is a drawing, this is not reality, and you shouldn't put this in the same plane as real and grave cases irl out there, get some fucking help. Please.

    manga puppy May 18, 2020 12:36 am
    You're so fucking stupid, that you cant even understand what you're saying. Nobody said that reading shota wil immediately turn you into a pedo. I curse at people defending pedophilia because that's what you fu... Coochiecuddles

    “I made the mistake of reading it” AHAHAHAHA ahah omfg I could cry. So that’s why u are here typing stuff, u are just tryna proof that u still have morals after reading something that has a clear tag “SHOTACON” AHAHAHAHA dude I can’t even bruh I cannot

    manga puppy May 18, 2020 12:38 am
    Nobody said fiction doesn't affect reality.Fiction affects reality THE WAY YOU LET IT HAPPEN.So if you have low enough morals to have some shota manga affect how you see real life children, get help? Those are ... Tadano

    Am gonna borrow this real quick thank u.