Stupid bitches

Yuna564 May 17, 2020 5:26 pm

Some bitches are fucking stupid and delusional. Just because someone likes to read shota doesn’t mean he or she supports it in real life. This is a fucking yaoi manga for crying out loud. So by applying you bitches’ logic, does it mean if some people like to watch horror movies, they also enjoy seeing people getting killed in real life?

Go fuck yourself, dumbass.

    manga puppy May 18, 2020 1:35 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    Seriouslyyyy am saying. I don’t pay much attention to gay in real life (I have so many gay friends so am not saying I hate them ) it’s just I be reading hella yaoi and watching yaoi anime but in real life I don’t even ship gay couples am just like ........”oh it’s another couple”

    Coochiecuddles May 18, 2020 7:47 pm
    people like them aren't gonna change, pedophiles are always going to be pedophiles and these people are so sick in the head, that they're defending this shit and attacking people with common sense. They act tou... wigsnatched

    Yeah, the sad part is because the use such fucked logic its kinda not worth it to fight with them

    Coochiecuddles May 18, 2020 7:53 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    Bitch. H U H? See now you're taking it way too far, you're actually scum of the earth, and legitimately deserve the electric chair. Dont fuckinf hop onto this comment thread as if anyone thinks a legit pedophile deserves the right to speak. You like seeing a fictional child get raped? Guess what, you'll have no problem seeing a real child get raped. You dont have to fucking ACT on it to be a pedophile, half of the pedo population probably doesn't. People get arrested for jacking their inbred dicks to child porn, and less often actually going put and dragging a 6 year old to their basement. And guess what pedophilia IS MY DAMN BUSINESS, and it should be everyone's, because children need protection from fucking actual trash like you, that's the responsibility of everyone with a same mind. Dknt act high and mighty like your opinion is valid, its fucking disgusting and you should be ASHAMED of yourself. Your parents should have used fucking birth control, I'm actually gonna vomit. There is no god damn difference between shotacons and pedophilws, you both like seeing little boy assholes.

    Yuna564 May 18, 2020 10:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    Yes sis u tell them

    Coochiecuddles May 19, 2020 5:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    I told you to end your life because as a pedophile you have zero rights. Bold of you to assume you even have the right to speak at all. You're welcome to do as much crazed pedo rambling as you want, but I wouldnt bother to waste my time trying to logic with someone who's actually screwed in the head. Im pretty sure Ive called you all the insults you deserve, so that's finished... Have a nice rest of your life, I hope you enjoy prison later, lol. and one more thing, the next time you want to expose your nasty fucking shota fetish, or defend the fact that you beat your rancid fucking dick- existent or nonexistent- to childporn just because its fiction, consider the following: shut the fuck up.

    Mayo May 19, 2020 9:22 pm
    PEDOPHILIA IS WRONG. PEDOPHILES SHOULD BE ARRESTED. Nobody's arguing against that.I'm all for putting sick fucks in jail. But.THIS. IS NOT. PEDOPHILIA. Real children were not harmed. The author simply wanted to... Tadano

    The thing is, this manga is fallen under the image of banging and FANTASIZING CHILDREN. So, therefore, this shit is PEDOPHILIA (not the act of doing It but the impression of creating the clouds of pedophilia)

    and wtf? Real children were not harmed?? The fact that if it's not just real children nor fiction children were harmed just creates this shit-hole of the ideal "it's okay as long as it's not real" of banging minors

    I agree that there must be a difference between reality and fiction and how u apply to both worlds but it doesn't have an impact on one's moral compass. (Shit it's not even about moral grounds and bullshits) its the story itself that is disgusting. It relays the message of fucking minors whether if it is fiction or not.

    Tbh I don't blame the other readers throwing shit insults and threats it's because maybe they're are angry the fact that this existed and people are fantasizing and objectifying children being fucked in these kinds of fiction.
    And it doesn't make us more morally inclined just because we are defending that this is ain't it.