Sis, you want to go there?
Are they romanticizing people dying in battle? Because if they are, they obviously are just waiting for their time to act on their disgusting interest and finding a poor inspecting person and killing them. Otherwise, sis, don’t compare apple and oranges. Just because they’re both fruits do not mean they’re the same things.
Now, let’s talk about a book titled “Lolita.” Do you want to know why that’s a novel that people can talk about in academia and it can be argued that its existence is valuable? It’s a book that presented pedophilia and child molestation for what it is: disgusting, revolting, and nauseating. If you think the depiction of child molestation in a normal tone and romanticized to make that disgusting attraction normal is okay, you’re sick and you make me nauseous.
You obviously have nothing to add to this convo. Move the fuck on and know if you like this shit, you’re pure, fucking trash. I said it.
Welllll I never said I was a fan of shotacon and pedophile now did I? Believe it or not am not a fan of shota. So anyways I was just saying Idk why u so bothered about what two ink and scribbles do. Anywhossss if u think u are better than those pedophiles after confidently wishing for someone’s death in ur comment, dude am sorry but the good morals u think u have is not so good. And just because apple and oranges are the same doesn’t mean it’s okay for someone with allergies to fruits. If u are going to babble about what two drawings then go ahead and babble about what happens in action movies too or go out there and help actual kids that are getting molested or cat called on the street by pedophiles. So now this psycho will go and get my brain checked thanks
Oohhh am sorry did I offend u like those drawings did?? Well am just a comment passing by. Oh and btw those drawings are not really even touching each other cuz u technically have to draw on a blank space to make it look like they are touching each other. So please feel free to use that to satisfy ur morals oh fake angel.
do you feel safe knowing that you can defend this shit over the internet.. aww. Imagine how proud you must feel about yourself.. and dw about my morals, it's yours that are fucked up, maybe seek help?? That would be for the best :) Oh and thank you for calling me an "fake" angel... being a decent human being is something you can't relate to so i imagine it is a foreign concept to you. :( <3
Am not defending pedophile cuz I never said anywhere in my comment “go on go ahead and rape a child did I”?? Am just saying (let me put this in simple words) stop being noisy we get it it’s bad. If the author one day turns pedophile then go ahead and trash them. Now excuse me cuz I need to get my head checked properly cuz “drawings” doesn’t bother me
aww ofc baby go get all the help you need, and btw you are defending pedophiles because you're making excuses for this, if you were against this you would speak up, and sureeeee, hide behind the fact that because it isnt irl it isnt bad. xoxo hit me up when you've gained some common sense and humanity <3
Omfggg u still here. Seriously I was all happy when I saw a notification cuz I thought a manga got updated. Lord just go use action to defend against pedophile and stop wasting ur angelic energy on me. And u tell me speak against it if I am against it? Well I would. ON A REAL LIFE MATTER not on drawings not stop harassing my notification box. U don’t have to try so hard. I get it, u have good morals and I don’t. U don’t have to try hard to proof urself cuz no one accused u.
Ohhh and p.s I don’t see why my unbothered and lazy ass would rather go sex a child than sit home and watch anime.
Am not stuck on defending the manga. Here is what am after - I’ll say this bluntly- Stfup u being noisy, we heard we’ve heard allll u have to say we know u have good morals okay girl okay. Am just tired of y’all that keep wishing death on someone conveniently from the other side of the screen and think u are not better than the people u are shaming. If u wanna do something so bad take action in real life and stop whining here it gets annoying
why are you shaming me for having good morals geez, and dont compare me to a pedo, thats fucking low. Clearly you are stuck on your opinion and i truly feel its a shame that you compare me calling out pedophiles to whining. Hopefully you'll change your stance on this in the future :)) Have a good day in that regard (⌒▽⌒)
Yea so don’t try to turn it around and say that’s what I feel. In reality I are the one still stuck on it cuz u kept replying after I told u long long ago that am just a comment passing by and am gonna leave. Am not shaming u for having good morals I fully respect that. Am just saying ur pep talk ain’t doing nothing here. Cuz if u really wanna make a change and u are not just talking u would have tackled this problem in real life not wishing death on people here (which clearly shows ur morals ain’t so pure if u can so whole heartedly wish death on someone). U think these people don’t know what’s right and wrong already ofc they know but they are not gonna go crying around and calling the police since no one actually got hurt here. And have u ever seen a comment that clearly said “yesss sex that child I love it”?? Cuz if u have I wanna see it too. We (well I) are not defending it we are just saying u guys don’t have to try so hard to proof u have morals we get it no one was accusing u. (Well I wasn’t until u said “go die” just cuz some put inks to work)
Even if my "pep talks" aren't changing the world, I am contributing at least (cant say the same about you however), and the people i went after were all people who saw nothing wrong with this type of stuff, and yes i saw comments praising and defending the author so your point is kind of invalid. Clearly the 2 of us won't see things from the others perspective and i dont feel like dragging this convo without a goal in mind, but tbh the way you speak of this manga as nothing but inks put to work is a representation of yourself, and you may not be defending this but some are, and if you aren't, i dont know why you felt the urge to defend yourself. Lets just leave it at that because im gonna go to bed and this has become meaningless. I dont know how old you are but you sound young, I do hope that when you get older you'll realize how damaging stuff like this really is, even if its just "fiction" ;) Have a nice day and eventually mature a bit :)))
Yea we am defending this as “ink put to work” cuz it is INK PUT TO WORK yea please do go to bed and sleep in. Please don’t let ur honest and goodness life be bothered by mere inks please. Mkay? Okay and I’ll go watch action movies and watch people killed and wish death on them cuz uk why would u kill people in movies
Electric chair for the writer of this shit, bc something is wrong with their ass, and the same for the people who read this shit and enjoyed it and actively seek it out.
If you try to defend depiction of pedophilia under this comment, I want to let you know you targeted the right one today. Bc I always have time to go at it with you vile pile of trash human beings. Just die already, you nasty asses. No one wants you alive. You’re the reason the human race is toxic and degenerated. You’ll add no value to anyone’s life. Stop destroying the lives of sweet, innocent children. No child wants to fuck you. And, seriously, just die. You’ll finally do a good thing for the human race.