
This is maybe ?
This is maybe ?
So I can’t seem to remember this manga I read like 2 or 3 yrs ago. It is a shoujo/romance manga (back when I was innocent and only read this type of manga) and was completed not too long ago.
It is about a girl (who has a boyish figure) who begins to work at a cafe for a man. I can’t remember why but he blackmails her and makes her work at his cafe where they sell teas and shit. (Idk if this is relevant but the cafe’s teas all had like beautiful names and the cafe attracted lots of women) She like the man and they have a sexual and romantic relationship going on. There is an age gap between the girl and the man so that creates tension and he won’t date her. The manga also involves other stories of customers who come into the store. Like there was a girly preppy girl who wore a lot of make up. There was a pretty boy that liked the preppy girl but she was too focused on someone else.
Sorry that’s as best as I can’t describe it! If someone can help me it will be soo MUCH APPRECIATED!