You guys...

Suzu May 17, 2020 8:13 am

Everyone who us like "ew, that's a kid" Like why you so surprised?
Bruh, it's a *shotacon*! There is supposed to be a kid! You read it with the information that it's going to be sex with a little kid.
I don't even like shotacon myself, it fucks me up but I still read it because it was interesting.
I liked the story (but yea, I get it. The shotacon didn't have to be in there)

    Lovena May 17, 2020 5:09 pm

    Say you’re a lowlife Pedophilia-apologist and move on, sis.

    Suzu May 17, 2020 10:22 pm
    Say you’re a lowlife Pedophilia-apologist and move on, sis. Lovena

    Ah, okay.
    I guess, you're someone who can't read and distribute reality and fiction at all.
    Pissnelke pff
    I'm clearly not the one between the both of us that has to move on.

    Tadano May 17, 2020 11:57 pm
    Say you’re a lowlife Pedophilia-apologist and move on, sis. Lovena

    Literally nobody asked for your ass to be here. Say you don't like it and go.

    Don't throw around terms like that because you don't know what it means Do you realize because of people like you who use that at every opportunity, you're undermining the blame that goes to actual pedos. We're just here to read manga.

    Lovena May 18, 2020 5:09 am
    Literally nobody asked for your ass to be here. Say you don't like it and go.Don't throw around terms like that because you don't know what it means Do you realize because of people like you who use that at eve... Tadano

    I did say I don’t like it. That is clearly—CRYSTAL clear—obvious. Now, what I won’t do is go, because nasty asses like exists. This is not cute. Actually babies are terrorized and abused like this. This shit bring normalized and romanticized is not okay and will never be okay.

    Say you’re a pedophilia-apologist and move on, sis. Stop lying to yourself and seek HELP!

    Fuck, I’m tired of this world being filled with trash.

    When I say I don’t feel anything but relief and joy about about people who hurt children dying, I mean it. And I would support all of you useless, waste of space and good old oxygen getting exterminated.

    Honestly, I don’t understand why you don’t see why this is wrong. Like, seriously, it’s wrong and nothing can ever make it not wrong. It’s wrong and disgusting, and most importantly, it’s harmful.

    Suzu May 18, 2020 11:41 am
    I did say I don’t like it. That is clearly—CRYSTAL clear—obvious. Now, what I won’t do is go, because nasty asses like exists. This is not cute. Actually babies are terrorized and abused like this. This... Lovena

    You're putting words in our mouths that we didn't say at all and on top of that falsely accusing us. Maybe you should learn to let go of your pride for once and try to understand what I really and actually meant before you go and insult me like that.
    Yaoi isn't something for you when you go around like that and throw with moral clubs.

    Lovena May 18, 2020 1:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    Seriously, I’m actually revolted by people like you. What I will never understand is how you, who I presume is of an age where you parrot yourself around as a mature human being, do not understand my frustration with these sort of fictional stories and the people like you who would rather die on a hill defending this shit than seeing why it’s wrong and shouldn’t exist. Romanticizing child molestation and pedophilia is not okay and shouldn’t exist. This is not about separating fiction from reality, this is about damaging fictional stories that shouldn’t exist.

    You’re a lost cause. OP is correct on her statement that the human race is trash and has a bleak future—because people like you and OP exist.

    But, you know what, fuck you, and I hope your ass never have children or get to engaged with people’s precious, innocent children. You are fucking gross. Period. I’ll die on this hill.

    megatron May 18, 2020 4:27 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    “Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.”
    yh she ain’t wrong to call you guys pedophiles actually like i’ve said a million times to you. you do NOT need to rape a kid to be a pedophile. it’s the attraction to minors that makes you a pedo. i don’t agree with her death threats and i’m not here to say you’re the scum of the earth but when i say get help. please do. it’s a disorder :)

    Lovena May 18, 2020 5:12 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    Baby, I’m okay. Now, it’s you that’s obviously not okay. And I hope you get okay and stop thinking hurting children is in any way, shape, or form okay or could ever be okay.

    Lovena May 18, 2020 5:17 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! TheFabulousLiHuan

    Do you know what a death threat is? Baby, I do not want to kill you, I just hope people like you die because, unlike what one commenter wrote in this thread, I do think people like you are the scum of the earth. And that’s on period.

    Love, by normalizing stories like these, you are harming actual children. Children should never, in whatever context, be seen in a sexual manner without it being called out for what it is.

    Also, you can be a pedophile without being a child molester. You and your ilk are supporting not only child molestation but pedophilic tendencies, too. It’s not okay.

    Lastly, I’m sorry if me writing my thoughts and feelings out scares you because anything other than three sentence is too much and a doctoral thesis to you.

    Get help.

    megatron May 18, 2020 5:46 pm
    Do you know what a death threat is? Baby, I do not want to kill you, I just hope people like you die because, unlike what one commenter wrote in this thread, I do think people like you are the scum of the earth... Lovena

    100% agree with you. nah,, i didn’t say they WEREN’T the scum of the earth. i said i wasn’t here to say that. they’re in denial dude. i haven’t had one good argument from these people. it’s so funny, none of them actually bother to read what we’re actually saying they just say “rEsPecT mY oPiNiOn”

    you put it how it is. i stan you so much rn. the power you hold and your mind

    Suzu May 18, 2020 5:48 pm
    “Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.” yh she ain’t w... megatron

    Who said we're attracted to children though? Where did you get that false information from????
    Didn't you read it too? Didn't you read my comment? Don't you get what I meant???

    Suzu May 18, 2020 5:56 pm
    Do you know what a death threat is? Baby, I do not want to kill you, I just hope people like you die because, unlike what one commenter wrote in this thread, I do think people like you are the scum of the earth... Lovena

    When did we support child molesters?
    Where did you get those ideas from, baby girl?
    Honey, I'm not even attracted to children. And I sure didn't romanticise it. Just what about my comment got you so offensive in the first place? Please tell me, so I can tell you what you got wrong...