Maybe bc a room without trash compared to other rooms that are littered and graffitied are signs that someone went there more than once. Like the person that ”cleaned” that room might come back soon because they spend the time to clean that area and might use that room for whatever reason like sleeping etc. Like maybe an illegal squatter that lives there or just anyone that will repeatedly come to that will trespass into that abandon house will probably be low key dangerous because they might have a motive to be hiding in such secluded area. And it might be even worse if that person is some criminal
Aside from the pedo thing there is something that I really want to know. can anyone tell me about why the room without a grafity or rumble or any trash are the most dangerous place in an abandon building? There is no way the author write it like that if there's no source about it.
I'm really curious about, someone or anyone tell me please.