Anybody else feel like the reccs on mangago have gone stale?

Master_iPad May 16, 2020 7:23 pm

! Rant warning !
All the stuff in hot has been rotating around like the same 20 manga, even if it's not that popular or well liked (like, man-up girl?? Why's that here again??) Isekai and yaoi, what I'd assume are two of the most, if not the most popular genres on this site, have felt so dull lately, and there are multiple manga/webtoons I've seen that are very highly rated despite the topics being full of how flat the characters are or how certain plot points are stupid or make no sense whatsoever.
I don't care if a lady is crazy strong if that makes up her entire character. I don't care if a lady is remarkably like her "monster" husband because she fired a maid. I don't care that her love interest's bleak philosophy and outlook on life that has been cultivated throughout years of experience in his entire life and likely some sort of abuse or trauma changed because she made him a meal or a cup of tea. Is cooking and talk no jutsu all you can do, bitch??? I'm sure those high school home economics classes really came in handy in making food that somehow tastes better than all the food in the world you teleported to despite that making zero sense because any technique, cooking or otherwise, develops in the same way, through trial and error, testing what methods make what better. Don't even get me started on medicine okay

If this is all your character is comprised of, then you are NOT A CHARACTER. YOU ARE A PIECE OF CARDBOARD.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
