i dont blame her for thinking like that

blackpegasus5 May 16, 2020 11:22 am

personally i would be beyond creeped out if those kinds of incidents happened to me. seriously you are living in a place you dont know with people you dont know and one after other incidents happen. i would be fucking stressed out forget romance or even friends. the first thing i would think is how can i escape and go back then again i dont have the option for the sake of my family. i feel her stress. it would be ridiculously stressful yet utterly miserable situation to be in. so though it appears funny or you may think she is overthinking but if you place yourself there it would be a horror story.

    ya yeet May 16, 2020 11:30 am

    same. im just waiting for the moment she cant take the insane amount of stress anymore and the duke finally realizes and lets her go. but then again, idk whats gunna happen

    Nado May 16, 2020 12:47 pm

    True. But still, I feel bad for the duke. HE IS JUST TRYING HIS BEST.