I love Yamamoto's art but, damn... her stories are so average and cliché. It's pure tortu...

blue May 16, 2020 1:22 am

I love Yamamoto's art but, damn... her stories are so average and cliché. It's pure torture to read this kind of stories only because the art style is amazing...

    Oyaoyaoya June 9, 2020 12:11 am

    I agree and disagree, even though I admit I'm not super fan of clichés, I still catch myself picking up something from Yamamoto after reading really dark stories (like when I read something from Harada and catch myself on the floor, traumatized) or when I'm stressed, the cliché and the cuteness calms me down

    Quicksilver October 19, 2020 5:52 am

    YK's stuff is worlds away from being average and cliche. and I'd say you owe the whole damn world of art an apology, especially YK