What the fuck. The one who think that is the one who think that pedophillia is okay. You go seek a help!
No one in this place think about "Oh imma go and rape a child" after reading this manga. Except they who so opposed to this manga! That's why isaid if you get affected even a bit GO SEEK A FUCKING HELP YOU PSYCHOPATH.
LMAOOOOOOOOO UR SO FUCKING DUMB. When I say that the manga make it seem like it's totally normal it's because when the character finds out that he is in "love" with A CHILD he decides to act on his desires like it was the most normal thing on the world and so he RAPES a kid, which basically is NORMALIZE PEDOPHILIA UR FUCKING IDIOT
I hate to tell you this
But there's literally NO limit to a fiction. It won't be mindblowing fiction if we are limited to create them.
So, when will this so called no-limit fiction became a problem?
When someone is crazy enough to apply it in real life.
We jail the person, not the gun.
I know it's hard to swallow. But i really really beg you, if you feel(in any form) affected by reading this. Please please please, seek a help from the profesional. There is something not right going on in your brain right now.
So to summarize, no need to shit on something that is obvious. We all know what shotacon is, and we all able to detach what we read to reality. It's like screamming and cussing on someone who is eating a donut just because you are on a diet, at a donut store. Basically, Karens. Stop... Just nuh uh.