Don't read this story if that's the conclusion that you had come up with then. Clearly, you don't have the ability to emphasized with the FL due to comparing her to other FL.
Do you like being compared to other people? Of course not, the novel has its merits and judging it based it on other novel's strength is such a Karen thing to say.
Such as each person has their flaws so do characters. This FL grows from her ability to help other people and in turn it boosts her confidence. If you reread the story you would be able to see that. Before she wanted to live an inconspicuous life and still does however, she is willing to come out of her shell to help people in need even if she could get in big trouble. And yeah, it may not be the biggest display of courage but its still called courage. It's to take that first step in doing something that scares the hell out of you while knowing that you need to because its the right thing to do.
And in real life, there are people just like her. Not everybody is an extrovert that will blast anybody who mistreats them or disrespects them. Each person has a different way of handling it. Sometimes when experiencing the same problem there are going to be different outcomes due to the person's level of emotional and mental maturity.
For example, two girls got cheated on by the same guy. One girl gets mad and confronts him and breaks things off with him and moves on, learns to grow from this relationship. The other girl instead forgives him and takes him back, while thinking she can change him. Give the same circumstance to two different people and no two people will behave the same way. So you can't expect the FL to be the same as every other FL because then the story won't be as special.
So if you don't like her, then don't bash her just because she's not your typical FL that doesn't go hunting after the people who had harmed her or mistreated her. She's still a badass character that deserves to be called badass. Any character wiling to risk their lives to help people even if they're cowardly is considered a badass in my book. And asking her to change her character just so it can satisfy an emotional need for yourself is a selfish thing to ask from the author, because her being like this is what make her special. You just can't appreciate her.
But hey, that's just my two cents.

I think ya'll are missing the point. All she wants is to live her own life, not bother anyone, help others, and not be a coward that doesn't step up when she needs to. Her ambition is a simple life. She's wise and doesn't get herself caught up in greed, manipulation, revenge, and pettiness. She's mentally strong. I do think she's bland and there's not enough layers to her personality but she's 100x better than the typical crybaby/childish MC's of shoujo manga.

I agree with her not being a strong female protagonist and that tag being overused. I think just about every story I read these days has that tag, regardless of what the female lead is like.
I think there can be many different types of strong leads, and they don't have to always be physical strength either. The character can be smart, brave,business savvy, the emotional rock, and yet still be physically weak and I'd still classify them as a "strong lead", but I don't really think this lead is any of them.
I really like this story though, and I'd love to see where it will go. I think a story and a protagonist can still be very interesting and enjoyable even if they're not "strong".
There's nothing wrong with a character being weak and I even think it's refreshing after reading so many "strong independent woman!!" stories, however tags are used for a reason and if I do want to search up the tag of "Strong female lead" and the category is filled with any female lead regardless of how strong she is, it defeats the purpose.
I think people need to stop thinking female character that I like = strong female lead. I like Marie, but she's not strong emotionally/ambitiously/or physically, and that's alright.
What's with mangago readers and them always tagging strong female protagonist, even when they really aren't. Maybe because the author wrote Doctor Elise, a fairly readable story, with a better protagonist.
i get that the definition of strong is different for everyone, but looking at it from every angle, I can't see it.
What are her ambitions and dreams? She wants to make everyone happy? Okay, a perfectly good dream. BUT WHAT IS SHE DOING TO ACHIEVE IT. We see her help people and take no recondition. I can't draw a connection in my mind. The people she helped, didn't want to take credit. So why does she not speak up? Wouldn't she be able to make more people happy doing other work if she wasn't wasting around as a maid?
Is it her circumstances? She was a princess of an overthrown regime and is hiding as a maid. But why? She stated heself she was incapable in that role, but she was also incapable as a maid. She gets better as a maid and mentioned before, she doesn't take opportunities to leave. Is she just happy with being a maid for the rest of her life?
Is it the way she acts? I really can't see anything more in her personality that's more than kind and selfless. But WHY does she act the way she does? WHY does she deny her abilities. I can turn off my real world logic, she isn't confident in herself. Humans are inherently shitty, no one isn't a little bit greedy. She even grew up as a princess. Does she not long for those luxuries? She's a maid, i can't stress this enough, they sleep in dorms and wait on the nobility. How is she just okay with this??
So what kinds of strengths does she have
. She's kind and compassionate. There's no need to be physically strong. But she's not confident, funny, witty, or brave., or anything else to her. Her "flaws" are that she's shy and can't speak up. Okay, but what else? For real people, it's fine, but as the MAIN protagonist, I can't eyeroll hard enough.
It's like being the most innocent, pure-hearted girl in manhwa is the same thing as the blank-state harem protagonist in anime. Filler Y/N for the reader/watcher. But, to the love interests, really, them?? You want them as your lover?
We are pretty early on in the story, but i don't have the patience to sit through her story. I am forcing a lot of myself onto her as an extrovert. Please argue or back me up, I'm bored.