About DID

MitreyK May 14, 2020 4:06 pm

For anyone who’s curious about DID and doesn’t want to research, I’ve written a bit about it bellow.

DID is an identity disorder caused by trauma. If a child experiences severe/life-threatning trauma, the body will set up amnesia walls in the head, “fragmenting” the child’s not-fully developed personality (since children do not start developing a cohesive personality until their early teens). Each “fragment” (this is not a good term but stick with me), then grows up to essentially become its own person. Each person is known as an alter for “alternate state of consciousness.” All the alters together are called a system. Alters can have different ages, genders, tastes, and even be non-human. Most of all, they each hold different memories of the trauma, some might not even remember it all, as a way to create a “stable” person to be in charge of the body most of the time, known as the host. There is no “true” self. Not even the host, since the host is also an alter. Some alters have different roles, such a protector or host (as mentioned previously). Most of the time alters can not remember what other alters did while fronting (taking over the body), unless they have good communication and let each other know. A switch (going from one alter to another), happens due to a trigger. A trigger is anything that causes a specific alter to front, such as a song they really like, or experiencing a familiar memory. People with DID are like any other person with a disorder, struggling but getting through it. People with DID are not inherently dangerous, I really dislike how dramas sometimes portray them as psychotic for views like wtf??

As for how accurate this manga is, it’s not bad! I hope they don’t sexualize the little (a child alter, the crying kid Itsumi), because that would be pedophilia. Also I hope Yuma stops calling it MPD (multiple personality), it’s outdated and inaccurate! It’s DID.

It’s a very interesting disorder shrouded in a lot of mystery and complexity, if you would like to learn more, watch DissociaDID on youtube, a very cool system that spreads information on the topic.

    Sockopierce May 14, 2020 4:16 pm

    Woah you explained that super clearly!

    skidkid May 14, 2020 6:18 pm

    Omg thank you

    Kirika42 May 15, 2020 1:57 am

    I’m so sorry ignore my fat fingers and their down vote ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Nemo May 17, 2020 11:03 pm
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    Split sounds like a well made movie but from what I've gathered through YouTube videos made by those who have DID, they are just tired of how common it is for mainstream media to represent characters with their illness as murderers and other dangerous people. They don't recommend 'Split' as a movie to educate ppl about DID.

    Nemo May 17, 2020 11:04 pm
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    Woah, i just noticed that we're name twins haha.