The plot isn't "amateurishness" especially since it's not finish. No offence we all agree that woojin is an asswipe, the uke lacks self worth, he also avoid stuff and the officer does seem like a nice guy. But after all that's said and done, we ship uke and officer together for obvious reasons, this while the plot is still developing. It the plot never evokes different feelings inside us how can we be happy with the end if it all goes as expected. Sometimes shit can get so severe we get so angry and we end up not wanting to read anymore of the BS, but due to a story's dynamic complexity, it could have the potential to leave us in awe. So give it time. If it ends up fucked up, we cant rant about it later and put it in the never read this shit again list(⌒▽⌒)
thats getting more and more shitty, if that stupid idiot knows, that his crush only wanted sex and was using him, why the fuck did he agreed to go out with him, after two years avoiding him, to end this god damn relationship. The plot is a totally mess, amateurishness