In fact, being insecure about their bodies after having children is a reality for many women, we live jn a society that put a lot of pressure on women's bodies, that we must look perfect!!!
Imagine feeling like that and seeing a perfect looking woman near your husband, it is horrible. It is true she should have talked with him about her insecurities, sadly, her husband is totally oblivious about it, but as I learn in my 40 years of life, men are oblivious if you don't tell them exactly what is happening, even thought not all men, many men are better undretanding white and black and not grays, while we women tent to communicate in grays!!!
Agreed, and yes. I can tell you after three children I look nothing like I did when I got married. My husband wishes there were less of me now, and it’s not that I don’t want to look better, but the older I get the harder it is and I despair of regaining even a semblance of my former figure. Thankfully, I my husband is not as oblivious as our hero :).
In a genre that is rife with the outrageous and ridiculous, it was really nice to see a believable couple overcoming real-life problems to reach a believably real-life happy ending.
One could argue he was just a little too oblivious and she was a little too insecure and emotional, and one might be right ;), but honestly, it never reached the level of outrageous or ridiculous, and that is what made it real.