Shoujo reincarnation webtoon/manga

Fojin May 14, 2020 12:34 am

Just the start off, I may be mixing a lot of similar manga or webtoons with similar plots since I am going off by memory. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Well anyway, I don't remember much about the FL. All I remember she was raised to be queen to the future king no matter what. All of sudden, the true heroine/queen of the kingdom has appeared out of nowhere transported to the world! (Seen to be walking on water. Maybe. I may have got this detail from another story whoops ;; ) FL education seemed to go to waste. The 'heroine' was like "Ohhh, my bad. I don't want to be a bad person wasting your years and role away, let's be friends FL!" But she later was shown that she was a petty liar in front of the FL and was greedy. I remember that the heroine did not want to work for her role and pushed all the work on the FL.

    Iyay May 14, 2020 12:59 am

    The Abandoned Empress