you know i never saw it like that. I always thought Daniel was being the most "adult/mature" one compared to Logan in the beginning. Daniel was always straightforward with Logan, but then we had Logan getting disillusioned with a kiss or after they had sex. He was being clingy & expecting more when Daniel just saw him as a sex friend. It's at the end that we see Daniel break down...
But i never saw it the way you put it. In reality, Logan was the mature one, while Daniel was being the immature one the entire time
That's true, Logan wanted to experience sex and since Daniel gave him that he began to pry Daniel's sex life. So I suppose Daniel was more mature at the beginning until he realized he was idealizing Ed to be someone he's not. But Daniel wasnt really straightforward about their friendship being a lie. If Logan didnt think that maybe Daniel was in love with him, Daniel wouldnt even confess about his "love" for Ed
Your last statement is contradicting tho. I was emphasizing that Logan was indeed more mature than Daniel as the story progressed. Or did your mix up their name?
Daniel wasnt written well. Being a nerd who suddenly strayed from being an achiever? There's a chunk of information missing that's why in majority of the story he was just loose. Like that's it, he's an asshole. Then there's Logan who's average yet more interesting than Daniel. He confronted everything Daniel did headfirst. A kiss? Sex? Realizing he wasnt even seen as a friend after 25 years? Like, i expected him to at least throw a punch once.
But well, Logan, being straightforward and levelheaded, dealt with Daniel's disillusion until he actually told Daniel that he wasnt in love with Ed. And since he woke up from that delusion, he saw Logan as his compass to recalibrate his purpose in life. Logan, being mature and in love with this lost little lamb, accepted him. Bottomline is, Logan looks more like the overachiever and Daniel's brain was missing most of the time in this story.
This is a good break from emotional stories that I'm used to.