Unpopular Opinion Time! Yeah!

EVILSPICE May 13, 2020 1:51 pm

Now, if you're a fujoshi who gets your feelings hurt because your favorite manga sometimes takes criticism, you may as well stop reading because from here I'm gonna go all the way in and explaining why I feel how I feel. It's long, by the way.

Straight to the point, I'mma say two things: the plot is mid, which is me being very generous. Secondly, I don't mind porn. I actually like porn, who doesn't? But if this was ONLY gonna be porn, it should've stayed as that instead of trying to have a deeper meaning.

Now, Caste Heaven as a concept was promising, and it seemed fun from part of the beginning. The concept's execution? It wasn't good at all. I really tried to stick this one out, but it's boring. There's not enough development of Azusa or Kurino in their relationship, and that's mainly because of the rape turning into "romance" trope which is so overdone and unnecessary that it's ridiculous.

Secondly, all the chapters went to the endless side stories that I ended up skipping because they did absolutely nothing (outside of Kurino's brother's story which I thought was very good and gave insight to Kurino's backstory). I don't care about every other character that I'll literally never see again. Give me the main pairing. Make the main pairing make sense. Make me actually like the main pairing and give a shit about them. Make me want to root for their relationship. This manga does none of these things.

If I was still a teenager, I'd actually like this because horny rights! Horny rights!!! But I'm an adult now and I actually fuck, so I genuinely want manga that is sexy but ALSO is engaging. So sorry not sorry, this ain't it.

    babyv02 May 14, 2020 5:06 am

    Marino’s story was great. Also I definitely agree that there are a lot of side stories and it does make it kinda flat. And Kuroko and Asuza’s relationship is slow burn but I think the story is now getting good

    Akira May 15, 2020 1:43 am
    Marino’s story was great. Also I definitely agree that there are a lot of side stories and it does make it kinda flat. And Kuroko and Asuza’s relationship is slow burn but I think the story is now getting g... babyv02

    lmao the different names for the same guy

    babyv02 May 15, 2020 1:35 pm

    Bro I didn’t even notice autocorrect

    Akira May 15, 2020 4:20 pm
    Bro I didn’t even notice autocorrect babyv02

    dw I enjoyed the read