Y’all are really complaining about the “rape” in this manga, but will constantly read yaoi mangas that have blatant rape. But that’s none of my business.
No u have a right to say it yaoi fangirls are stupid hypocrites @Anonymous
Hey you have your opinions, your preferences, you like porn we love yaoi what's the problem. it is not because our opinions are different from yours that we are stupid! Tchiip just watch you're mouth !
Hey you have your opinions, your preferences, you like porn we love yaoi what's the problem. it is not because our opinions are different from yours that we are stupid! Tchiip just watch you're mouth ! Aya Chan
Nah what they mean is that yaoi fans really go to straight porn & complain about rape when most yaoi include forced sex and even slavery. Not excusing the rape in straight porn, but y'know...
Nah what they mean is that yaoi fans really go to straight porn & complain about rape when most yaoi include forced sex and even slavery. Not excusing the rape in straight porn, but y'know... Ikaiqa
I'm not talking about the fact that yaoi fan girl complain about rape, IT just piss me off that they say yaoi fangirl are stupid! Just question of respect ya k'now say wat you have to say but no insult !
I'm not talking about the fact that yaoi fan girl complain about rape, IT just piss me off that they say yaoi fangirl are stupid! Just question of respect ya k'now say wat you have to say but no insult ! Aya Chan
They're talking about the hypocrite readers. And it's true if one has that mentality, that makes the person stupid. Those people arent talking about yaoi fans in general. Why are you so mad about?
They're talking about the hypocrite readers. And it's true if one has that mentality, that makes the person stupid. Those people arent talking about yaoi fans in general. Why are you so mad about? Ikaiqa
I don't like insult that all ! And I'm not mad ! I saw something I don't like and I said that's it !
Y’all are really complaining about the “rape” in this manga, but will constantly read yaoi mangas that have blatant rape. But that’s none of my business.