
Drag his trifling ass! he saw she was young and manipulated her,
she's was groomed by a man 12 years her senior who couldn't keep his dick inside his pants for a literal woman child.
What does a 19 year old know and what do these people think being gullibly stupid is interchangeable with someone being young and innocent?
Not just the guy, but the manga as a whole. I mean, seriously! SPOILER ALERT: Rather than get a second opinion, he'll divorce his wife (you know, there are treatment clinics for that! Did you EVEN look into one?). Rather than admit his infertility and consider options WITH his wife (you don't think adoption could be an option?), he comes up with the most stupid, convoluted plan to hurt her as much as possible and drive her away. Rather than trust his wife, come clean and ask for a DNA test, he'll just assume (without any other proof) the wife he's trying to hurt and drive away cheated and disown his son. THEN, when he actually realizes just how STUPID he was, does he go and apologize and beg forgiveness on his knees, contritely and humbly acknowledging how wrong he was and how much he hurt her? Heavens forbid that he should be so considerate of her feelings!
No. Instead he comes up with ANOTHER stupid, convoluted plan to force her into a corner and make her submit to his overbearing arrogance (with the same secretary in tow - I don't care if YOU know she's just a secretary. You used her in your 'drive her away' sham and now you are trying to reconcile. Leave the trigger behind!) by putting the livelihoods her friends and hundreds of others on her back. Yeah, man. Way to make her feel loved and cherished. And her own livelihood - the art gallery she built from scratch? Sorry. Don't give a d@#% if you have events planned, payroll to figure, schedules to make, artists to meet and contract with, we're leaving tomorrow. Deal with it. And then... and then he has the gall to be hurt by her distrust and anger?!? ARGH!
Oh, sure. So what if he actually did apologize? His explanation and his apologies came much too late and were wholly insufficient to the amount of hurt and grief his stupid one-sided pity party caused her to start with and in no way justified the callous, loveless manipulations he put her through to force her back. The only good thing about this story was her love and devotion, as usual, and he didn't deserve it!