Thank you.
I married a chef and he would say that certain cookwares make better food cuz it will help cook evenly, I didn’t really believe him but I also recently bought a Dutch oven, it cooks stewed meat more evenly than a regular pot. And cast iron pans do cook better steaks (if you eat meat). Not sure about your area but I’m in HK, there’s are huge sales everywhere, you should check online and see if there’s anything you’ve really wanted but never bought because of the price. That’s what I did with the Dutch oven, I found a sale I couldn’t refuse and bought one. Good luck!
Not sure if anyone wants/needs to know this but, I turned 40 in feb, I finally splurged on a rice cooker this year. If you ask me, I should’ve done this ages ago, there’s a huge difference, the rice does look and taste better. If you ever come to that stage in life where you’re debating if you need a $600 rice cooker, if your finances allows it, buy it.