aw shit here we go again

lorelei May 12, 2020 8:01 am

goddam that was alot in just under 10 chapters,, jesus fuckin christ my poor brain cells

sure, “hate” someone for forgetting about you even after all the time you spent together as kids
DONT try and say some stupid ass shit like “oh im glad you’re conscious, now i can fuck you even tho i drugged u and tied u up & that’s the literal definition of rape :))”

this whole rape, rape fall in love troupe gotta come to an end soon. not only is it obviously wrong and romanticizes something so traumatic, but it fucks up any room for development- tsukasa could’ve eventually remembered who touga was, what the promise they made together was in given time, & they coulda had a final CONSENSUAL romantic sex scene or whatever. having touga constantly force himself onto tsukasa is the lazy way of making sure that they have some sort of relationship with each other, and that’s pretty twisted for a couple that suddenly love each other so much,,,,

plus this story was fucking wild and they created a whole ass scandal that came, ended, and was resolved so fast before i could even understand what the fuck was going on?? the whole enigma thing was pretty tight and could’ve been even doper if we knew what in the goddamn hell it was. well this is ongoing still i guess, so maybe this story can gather a miracle and save itself somehow
