No. I mean he concealed his gender somehow. I guess using fake skin over his originals. I am just guessing this since I just scanned thru the novel to satisfy my curiosity just like we do with raws. He didn't undergo anything like gender change or anything. Just hide. Prince knows anyways so it didn't work I guess. Hahahaha
well if you would just check on chapter 7 the prince and the doctor addressed him as "he" and "him" while treating him from the poison so i don't think he did something like using fake skin...maybe they address him as a woman to lessen the hostility of the people in the palace to him especially the princess consort..maybe he's just a little slow to not get it..
How can the prince did'nt know he was a man?
They having s*x all night.
There's no way women have flat chest and have a di** v:
Come on can someone explain to me why the prince always use she or her when he speak v: