Well for starters, Aira is a high-school girl; she’s not Sei, a 20-something year old who is also a career woman and has way more life experience than Aira. Aira lives with her parents, and we do see that she has some independency since her parents are sometimes not home. However, unlike Aira, Sei doesn’t love with her parents so she has way more independency than Aira. She’s used to working completely on her own, not Aira. So when they are both transported into another world, Sei has a way better adjustment than Aira does because of how independent and more experienced in life she is. Aira had little life experience for herself; and since she’s also attached to the hip of the crown prince (not by choice; he practically forces her to be by his side always) she can’t branch out. He’s manipulative and emotionally abusive also; he’s brainwashed Aira. So she’s not stupid, she’s a young girl who is trapped in a world that she knows nothing about.

Also, another thing that I just realized: Sei got help from others around her in the beginning to adjust to the new world. Aira was swept up by the prince and was taken care of. That’s the real difference there. Aira had no one to help her adjust, and the prince isn’t willing to actually help her; he just thinks that she’s a cute girl and needs to be taken care of, not really assisted. That’s the big difference there.
Im about to throw hands on the stupid prince.
He is 100% scum and the girl Aira is 100% stupid and naive.
I get that she was young and forced to be on another world so why won't she do something like the mc and not depend fully on others.
Aira needs to know how to stand up on her own feet, depending on others won't do good smh